10 Steps to become your own Master – Part 4

10 Steps to become your own Master – Part 4

Autor Izabel Telles

Atualizado em 20/09/2004 09:03:06

Translated by Françoise Killick – [email protected]

First, always perceive what is good

In the first part, we learnt that beliefs create experiences.
In the second part, we saw there is an unbreakable link between body, mind and soul.
In the third part, we talked about "deprogramming", about breaking the routine of repeating our schemes to open a new space in our mind.
And we discovered that exercises with mental images are an easy, rapid, practical, efficient and costless way of accessing our creative world, see the image that our mind created and revert it to a more positive and fulfilling belief. Our mind photographs the new image which substitutes the old one, provided we repeat the new image until it fixes itself in our mind.

I will give you another example so that you understand better what I am saying. I received in my cabinet a lady who is a lawyer: When I entered her creative mind, I found a skinny little girl, walking down a narrow and long street. She was holding a notebook which she could not take her eyes from. She could not, therefore, pay attention to the shop windows, to the flower beds nor to the people passing by. She had her eyes glued on the notebook.
As I was looking at this scene, I told myself this lady was the more studious person I had ever seen. But she looked so sad and abandoned that she did not give the impression of being winner.
When I opened my eyes, I asked her what she had felt when she heard these images, and I noticed her eyes were full of tears. She told me, weeping: - it is my mother's notebook!!! Where she used to write down the things she told me all day long: you will never succeed in anything! You are ugly! You're not good for anything! Your brother was so good but he died! You should be the one to have died!".
And she added, in a furious burst: "tomorrow, Izabel, I'll bring you the notebook". She did, and what I found was a notebook full of prayers, notes about little debts, expenses at the baker's, dates for travels and appointments with doctors...
I asked her to come back to see me and when we talked about the subject, she said: "I don't care what she wrote. For a girl of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6... years old, when she took the notebook, it was to write down my sentence. And this is the reason why I am a failure in my work today".

I won't go further with this case, but what I want to say is that it is through the repetition of threats that this adult impregnated the girl's mind with the holographs I saw and that she identified as her life experience.
I first tried to make her see the positive side of this experience and then we practised exercises to forgive and free this mother. Then we practised exercises of reconciliation with abundance and prosperity, eliminating guilt. Our intention was exactly to substitute the old commands with new images, thus changing this lady's experiences.

What I want to tell you is that you have the tools to change your life, to choose to live in the light and in the magnitude of your being.
Perceive what is not working and put an image on this perception. Close your eyes and revert this image, creating something you like to replace it.
Don't you do that with your body? When you feel you have some extra kilos, don't you diet? When you don't like a part of your body, don't you exercise or even remodel it with surgery?

Why would it be different with the mind? If your body is only a function of this whole energetic and fulfilling power?
I will ask you to continue with the exercises of the third week for the next 7 days, as the reactions were very positive. We will thus have 14 days of exercises and you will be ready for the fifth step.

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O Autor é terapeuta holística e sensitiva formada pelo American Institute for Mental Imagery de Nova Iorque. Tem três livros publicados: "O outro lado da alma", pela Axis Mundi, "Feche os olhos e veja" e "O livro das transformações" pela Editora Agora.
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