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Challenges por Elisabeth Cavalcante em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 28/08/2006 14:33:22

Translated by Sonia L. Collino - [email protected]

We live day after day pressured by countless challenges: the fight for material earnings, the physical survival and above all, the emotional balance. The exterior world constantly presents a series of events that shake us down and keep us prisoners of fear, unreliability, impatience and infinite addictions and lacks. Since we cannot move the reality and nor we have the power to make that it fit into our desires, every day we need to find inside us the necessary strength not to be crashed by so many necessities.

Each human being has a different trajectory, being the effect of different factors acting to generate him exactly the way he is. The most important is the condition, the environment in which he developed his individuality. If it was well formed and received the correct stimulus, this person will grow with more force to face and win the challenges of life.

If, on the other hand, he developed himself in an environment where love, understanding and the joy had been missing, his inner force will be smaller and his self-confidence will need to be motivated in the adult life with much more persistence and effort.

But whatever the conditions that life, destiny and karmic challenges has placed us, the fact is that all depends only on us to solve these problems and find a way out of leading us to our true essence, that parcel of us that is unaware of the unbalance and pain.

But if we work with courage and above all, faith in the existence and in the miracles that life provides us when we surrender with no regrets to its desires, we will find the peace within and the ecstasy that we so much dreamt about.

“You must trust despite all the doubts”

Buddha Says: Do whatever you have to do with certainty; by saying that he does not mean the will, as dictionaries describe, but the resolution. Buddha is forced to use your words, but he gives them a new meaning.
By “certainty” he implies that “from a decision taken with your heart” and not from your power of will, but from a determined heart. And remember: he emphasizes the word “heart”, and not “mind”. Power of will is part of your mind. A determined heart is a heart without problems, a heart that is no longer divided, a heart that achieved a quiet state of silence. That’s what he calls “one determined heart”.

“Do whatever you have to with certainty, with all your heart”. Remember the emphasis on the heart. Mind can never be one - by its own nature it’s many. And the heart is always one - by its own nature it cannot be many. You cannot have many hearts, but you can have many minds.
Because mind lives in doubt and heart lives in love.
The mind lives in doubt and the heart lives in the confidence.
The heart knows how to trust - that’s the confidence that makes him one. When you trust, suddenly you become centered.

That’s what confidence stands for. It doesn’t matter if your confidence is in the right person or not. It doesn’t matter if you are going to be tricked because you were confident or not. The possibility of being tricked exists – the world is full of fraudulent people. What really matters is that you have trusted.

It is from your confidence that you become complete, and that is much more important than anything else. It is not the point: first you have to be sure about the person’s reliability or not. How would you be assured? And who is going to find out? It will be the mind, and the mind only knows how to doubt. It will doubt. It will doubt a man exactly like Christ or Buddha. The mind cannot help herself… Thus, one should remember: trusting does not imply that first you have to do research, that first you have to leave things all right, guaranteed, and only then trust. This is not confidence, this really is doubt - as you depleted the possibilities of doubting, and from there you trust. If another possibility of doubt appears, you will doubt again. You should trust even with all the doubts you may have, no matter what the man is or what is going to do. This is from the heart, comes out of love.

When you trust and love with a resolute heart, this brings you transformation. Then, you never hesitate. Hesitation simply keeps you split into many pieces.

On a quantic jump, without hesitation, or in spite of all hesitations, you grow to be a whole. Hesitation disappears and you become one. To become one means to liberate yourself; to get rid of the stupid multitude that exists inside you, to get rid of your thoughts, desires and memories, to free yourself from your own mind.

Osho, The Dhammapada, #9,#1

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Elisabeth Cavalcante é Taróloga, Astróloga, Consultora de I Ching e Terapeuta Floral.
Atende em São Paulo e para agendar uma consulta, envie um email.
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