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Doctors of the Spirit – Task Performers of the Light

Doctors of the Spirit – Task Performers of the Light por Wagner Borges em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 13/07/2006 16:04:59

Translated by Cleonice Franco - [email protected]

(The Silent Action of the Mentors of the Light in the Astral of the Green Mountains)

Brother in Christ,
In the silence of the night, the spiritual song that men don’t hear. Look around, not with the eyes of the flesh, but with the spirit itself. Feel the beauty of the spiritual presence in the night air.
Observe the meeting of the (Mentors of the Light: spiritual benefactors, extra physical helpers, astral rescuers, spiritual guides, extra physical mentors, astral allies) mentors of the Light(*), with your spiritual eyes. They are over there, near the town hospital, organizing one more healing journey.
Wouldn’t you like to participate in spirit?
They are manipulating energies gathered in the surrounding nature for the subtle cure. Part of these energies will be applied to sick people in the town, during sleep. The other, with different density, will be applied to deprived extra physical entities.
On both levels, physical and astral, they will distribute the invisible energetic blessings. They will perform such task by superior inspiration, with the generosity that operates secretly.
More than mentors of the Light, they are doctors of the spirit and Servers of Christ. They operate at night, without being seen, always assisting and bringing relief…
They are Christ’s people on duty, in the astral of the long-suffering mankind!
They help without expecting reward or acknowledgement, only out of their generosity. They are helpers of mankind, but are supported by the superior plans as well.
The gentle rays of love flow from Above encircle their auras and inspire them on the secret journey. The healing balms of the Spirit of the Christ fall on them, for the good of men.
They will take the Light wherever it is needed. They will sow peace in the hearts… In the silence of the night, they will appease the pains and pour the healing essences. And, at the end of their secret tasks, they will thank Christ for the opportunity to serve.

Brother, behold the spiritual benefactors in action and tell mankind about their subtle action. If possible, join them tonight, in spirit, and take part in the service.
Lie down on your bed and think about the Spirit of Christ embracing humanity gently.
Reflect on how worthwhile it is to get out of the body to apply healing passes extra physically.
Sleep with your hands (Force Centers: chakras, energetic centers) force centers(*) lit and open up your spirit to the Light.
Take the opportunity and join the extra physical helpers, and thank Christ.
While men are sleeping, you become a task performer of the Light and grow with this.
As your (Aura (from Latin): breath of air, breeze, psycho sphere, it’s the multicolored energetic field that involves the being) aura(*) will be embraced by the love rays, subtly, as it should be.
Brother, think about The Spirit of Christ embracing humanity and fly as a Server of the Light.
The extra physical mentors are waiting for you, over there, near the hospital.
In the silence of the anonymous spiritual assistance, join them, by work and grace of Christ.
While you are assisting the men in the Astral, He supports you in the Light and Love.
Fly and apply luminous passes to the needy ones, with generosity and contentment.
Take advantage of the night air to work and learn outside your body, as it should be.
And thank Christ for allowing you to fly in the night and become a server of the silent Light.

Peace, Brother. In the Light of the Christ.

- Brother Santa Maria, a Server of the Christ -

(Received spiritually by Wagner Borges – Serra Negra, San Paulo - Brazil – April 11th, 2006)

Wagner Borges’s note: I’m staying for a few days at my friends Marcela and Célia’s house, in Serra Negra Town, in the interior of São Paulo State, where I’ve been giving a course on conscience projection. Their house is situated on a high place of the town, in front of a small square, with lots of green and that fresh smell that comes from it, in the air. On the left is the town hospital; there is a church nearby. All around there is night silence, the peaceful wonder of a country town full of trees and mountains. And, over there, the extra physical helpers using nature’s energies for the good of the men of Earth and Space.

Well, I’m going to get my carcass into bed, I hope to be able to fly well extra physically soon, sliding my (Spiritual body (Christianism – Cor I, chap 15, ver 44) – Synonymy: “Astral Body” (from Latin “Astrum” “Starry” – Expression used by the great alchemist initiate Paracelsus, in the 16th century, in Europe, and later, by several occultists and theosophists ) – Perispirit (Spiritism – Allan Kardec, 19th century, in France) – “Body of Light (Occultism), Psychosoma (from Greek: “Psyche”, “Soul”, and “Soma” = “Body”. It means literally “Soul’s Body” ) – Expression used initially by the spirit André Luiz in the psychographed works by Francisco Candido Xavier and by Waldo Vieira, in the 1950’s – 1960’s, which is currently being used by Projectiology students)) spiritual body(*) through the (Prana (from Sanskrit): vital breath, vital force, energy) prana(*) of this clean air of the countryside, on the waves of one more spiritual journey.
Observation: The spirit that passed this advice on to me is an extra physical benefactor linked to the Christic vibrations. He operates in the ( Astral (from Latin “Astrum”), starry, extra physical) Astral(*) of the mountainous region of Serra Negra, Amparo, Socorro and Monte Alegre, in the interior of São Paulo. I thank him for the spiritual tips.

Wagner Borges is a researcher, lecturer and a Projectiology courses instructor. He is also the author of the books Spiritual Travel 1, 2 and 3, among others.

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Wagner Borges é pesquisador, conferencista e instrutor de cursos de Projeciologia e autor dos livros Viagem Espiritual 1, 2 e 3 entre outros.
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