Embracing the unknown

Embracing the unknown

Autor Elisabeth Cavalcante

Atualizado em 13/02/2014 12:40:07

English version by Vivian D Ignacio
[email protected]

To love the new and embrace it with an open heart, without fear or resistance, is one of the most difficult things for the majority of human beings.
That is why the ego feels safe and comfortable with the familiar situations.

Nevertheless, there is no other experience that can lead us to self-awareness like the unknown. Facing the unknown we are forced to use new resources, different from the ones that are common and have roots in the mind and reason.
Many circumstances require from us other kind of knowledge that is not available in the libraries. This knowledge is intrinsic of our being and is always available for those who are willing to discover it.

The way takes discipline, perseverance and, at the same time, an inner relaxation, a believe that such power, anytime soon, will reveal itself.

And it reveals itself, when our defenses and anxiety are gone. This way, the insights become present in our lives and nothing else matters apart from stopping, being quiet and listening.

" ...Just be with yourself... this is satsang, a high contact. Just be with yourself... apart from you, some light will invade your being and it will flow. And, then, you Will become aware of the fact that the life lived wasn’t real, was an illusion, you have been dreaming all along. The little glimpses of reality Will break your past. And after that is going to have the transformation. It comes naturally, towards the understanding.
OSHO – View’s on Tantra

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