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Improving the relationships with Feng Shui

Improving the relationships with Feng Shui por Teresa Kam Teng em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 07/02/2005 23:44:13

Translated by Luciana Soares Lopes

The end of the year represents a cycle that ends and also a cycle that starts. It's a wonderful moment to clean our houses, throw away everything that's useless, organize our things and give space to what is new. Symbolically it's a period for renewing our dreams and wishes. The secret is in establishing well defined aims to know exactly why we want this or that. Am I doing this for me or for the others? Am I worried with appearances? Am I doing it because I want to, am I willing to take on all the consequences?
When you take yourself on, you are responsible for all your attitudes and you are by your side whatever happens, you take control of your life and you don't care with what other people will say or think. This a characteristic of people with high self-esteem and personal power.
Most people wish to meet a Divine person, but before going out searching for the loved one, it's important to observe how we really are inside, because we attract everything that happens with us, be it good or bad. Thus, everyday we have to try to be a better person in all aspects, not for the others, but for ourselves.
Every time a have a relationship problem I make three lists: the first one is about what I admire in this person, the second is about how I'd like this person to be with me or to do to me and the third is what most irritates me in this person, what makes me very angry.
Be amazed; what I admire in the person are qualities I also have inside of me. What I'd like this person to be or to do to me is what I'm not doing for myself, it's a need that can only be fulfilled by me. And what irritates me deeply in this person is my own reflection, things in me that I don't want to see. This is a great exercise for self-knowledge and as time goes by we stop complaining about people... Remember that we can change ourselves and get everything we want, but we don't have the power to change other people.
To attract good relationships we must, before all, look to our inside and evaluate how much we love ourselves, being our best friends, respecting ourselves, approving ourselves... And to keep a happy and harmonious relationship, Feng Shui teaches us that we must respect the principle of yin and yang, two opposite energies that complete each other. Yin and yang are primordial forces that represent the woman and the man, the darkness and the light, the negative and the positive, the moon and the sun...
One makes the other exist. And to reach supreme happiness these energies must be in perfect balance. The excess of one or the other element creates unbalance and unhappiness.
Thus, the harmony of a relationship between two people is in the balance between passion and quiet; strength and weakness; speaking and listening; leading and following... There will always be a little bit more of yin or yang in the people, depending on the situation. And when these energies take turns between one and the other in perfect balance, we'll have a happy and lasting relationship.
Dialogue and direct communication are also fundamental to any type of relationship. Sometimes we think that the other person can "read" our mind and "guess" what we want. Many times it doesn't happen and then we get frustrated and sad. The best thing is to go straight to the point, and carefully and clearly express what we are feeling and what we want, thus we avoid many troubles caused by lack of communication.
According to Feng Shui the Relationship and Romance section is on the most distant right side of the entrance door, be it of the house, room or dormitory (Black Hat School) or at the Southeast corner of these areas (Compass School). To activate this section you must let your house organized and cozy, with cushions, rugs, curtains, a nice smell...
Light up the relationships corner; put fresh flowers, use red, white and different shades of pink; put pictures where you are happy and surrounded by the people you love; put your bed on the most distant place from the door and the window (a power point); or hang a crystal ball on the window of your bedroom. Concentrate on the attraction of divine relationships.
Avoid putting a TV and a computer on this corner; get rid of the things under your bed and doors that collide with one another. For love and romance put flowers in these places; pictures of the couple in happy moments; objects that remember union, companionship and love.
In the bedroom of the couple use pink sheets or a round mirror; put pictures of the couple in happy moments and love symbols. Avoid putting pictures of members of the family, making an altar and keeping cutting or pointed objects in this place.
Concentrate on a harmonious and happy relationship. Consolidate your relationship that is changeable or unstable putting a heavy object, a stone or a pink crystal quartz on the relationships corner. Concentrate on the relationship becoming solid and stable.
Concentrate on a wish too and write it on a piece of red paper, with a beautiful hand writing, hang your wish on the bedroom window, with a red ribbon. Visualize your wish as already true on the Divine Level and, very soon, coming to you.
Good luck and a new year with a lot of harmony and love.

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Teresa Kam Teng é Arquiteta, Arteterapeuta, pós graduada em Mitologia Criativa, Contos de Fadas e Psicologia Junguiana. Fez diversos cursos na área holística direcionados para o auto-conhecimento com destaque em Reiki, Cromoterapia, Radiestesia, Numerologia Pitagórica, Litoterapia, Mesa Lira e Aconselhamento Metafísico Transenergético. Atua com Terapias Holísticas desde 2000 e com Arteterapia desde 2012. Trabalha na ABEM (Associação Brasileira de Esclerose Múltipla) e no Espaço Yki em São Paulo. Acredita que o equilíbrio interior, a percepção de si e o autoconhecimento são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento e a saúde integral do ser, e por isso todo o seu trabalho é voltado para essas questões.

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