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In the Dawn of the Spirit - part 3

In the Dawn of the Spirit - part 3 por Wagner Borges em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 31/01/2005 18:10:34

Translated by Nancy Juozapavicius - [email protected]

Imagine the beats of all the hearts.
Think of the pulsation of the Universe permeating them.
And feel the Love and the Light of the Whole inside of you.
Eternal resonance... The Whole in everything!

Each being is a neophyte of Light.
Each act of Love enlightens his consciousness.
Each self effort for the High worth it
Listen to this with the heart: be happy!

Imagine the shining of all suns.
Think about the Light which gives life to countless stars.
The shining behind the shining, the Light of Lights...
This is Your First Love... The Whole!

Imagine the inspiration which gives life to everything.
Get together all the poetry in your heart.
The Whole is the secret inspirer of them all.
He is Everything! He is Everything! He is Everything!
Think about all the beautiful songs...
Sing along... Be happy!!
You are a neophyte of Light... Sing!
While you sing, get charmed and live thankful.

Yes, thank Your First Love,
Who gave you life unconditionally.
Feel happy just because you exist, you are immortal, and you are able to be charmed by life.

Many harsh men will tell you the contrary.
Stuck in their dramas and lamentations, they lost the enchantment.
However, you know what lives in your heart:
This beautiful Light, fruit of your studies and efforts in the Path.

You know: the spirit is imperishable.
It is Eternal Light, only enters and leaves bodies.
What weapon could harm the eternal principle?
Who could darken what the Whole lighted?

Many bodies fall in the dust of the world, but you know: the dust doesn’t reach the stars!
And it is to the stars that each one of us heads for after leaving the body.
Yes, it’s to the stars that the spirits fly, forever alive!

You listened to the song of life, and came to learn from it.
Thank who gave you the chance to come to Mother Earth.
Regardless the tests during the way, sour or sweet, thank for the mere fact that you only exist.

Yes, with high self-esteem, say:
"I’m glad because I exist, only this is cool enough"!
Yes, with an open heart, say:
"Thank you, Light! Thank you, Life"!

You came to Mother Earth to learn.
This worth a lot in the evolution journey.
Be grateful, be grateful, be grateful...
To the Whole which is in everything!

And now, at the end of these writing, imagine:
The masters, the being of Light, the adepts, you and me in the same footpath, in the same Light, in the same Love, Studying and working in resonance with the Whole.

Yes, all of us, tuned, connected by the heart...
And the world doesn’t know this, joined by the spirit!
"In the Dawn of the Spirit", in the heart of God.
Because everything is Him, everything is Him, everything is Him... Forever!
Peace and Light.

Note.: These writings are dedicated to all the students of the spirit, of all philosophies and groups, who make an effort for a better existence, even in the midst of so many daily problems. This people still amazed by life that thanks all the opportunities for growing and learning.
This people that makes an effort, even with flaws and difficulties. But don’t give up his spiritual nature and that, sometimes, keep tuned in simple writings from the heart, ignored by the world, but seen by the Great Architect of the Universe, the Father-Mother of us all.

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Wagner Borges é pesquisador, conferencista e instrutor de cursos de Projeciologia e autor dos livros Viagem Espiritual 1, 2 e 3 entre outros.
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