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In the secret embrace of the Buddhas, new lights...

In the secret embrace of the Buddhas, new lights... por Wagner Borges em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 29/11/2006 20:10:08

Translated by Cleonice Franco - [email protected]

(When the Heart Speaks to the Invisible Infinite)

“Those who fill their lamp with water will not disperse darkness, and those who try to light fire with rotten wood, will not succeed!”
- Buddha -

In the silence of the night, on the waves of meditation, the will of performing a prayer springs up spontaneously, under the inspiration of the Buddhas, doctors of the soul and teachers of conscience. Rocked by them, I let my heart speak to the invisible Infinite, knowing that, in the universal ether, other beings may be able to feel theses words as spiritual balms. They may open other hearts to the healing touch of these serene consciences that embrace all beings unconditionally. Yes, there may be cure and other lights in these simple words, born from the information work and spiritual assistance performed in silence and washed in tears that keep on sliding down the face, witnesses of the serene love, that cannot be explained, only felt... May these words flow, from heart to heart, under the light of the great Buddhas’ heart, serene magnanimous friends, who watch over all beings.

* * *
May all hurt beings get cured in the light of compassion.
May the waves of serenity spring up from all the Buddhas’ heart.
May the spiritual call for regeneration echo in the silence of the invisible.
May the affliction calls be transformed into beautiful spiritual tunes.
May the abyssal regions get transformed into flowery gardens.
May the scent of perennial peace spread through the ether, within all hearts.
May the chains of the ancient pains get broken in the face of the serene light action.
May the world’s forgotten ones know that all the Buddhas love them.
May their thoughts and feelings be touched by love, secretly.
May the darkness of the ego be diluted by the serene unconditional light action.
May all the broken hearts be united again in the Buddhas’ heart.

May it be possible to hear music again and open the heart to the Infinite ...
May the hatred stains dilute in the subtle embrace of the Buddhas, who watch over at night.
May it be possible to delight again in life, on all plans.
May the wounds from the dark days be cured in the light of the silent Buddhas.
May it be possible to renew the ways, the choices and acts, in order to live again.
May the Buddhas transform the recollection of bitter days into good laughter.
May it be possible to surrender to the warm embrace of unconditional compassion.
So that, inspired by the Buddhas, all wake up and become Buddhas themselves.
Om Mani Padme Hum! Om Mani Padme Hum! Om Mani Padme Hum!

P.S.: The Buddhas condemn nothing and understand all.
They light all hearts, unconditionally.
They request nothing, only work in silence.
We may not see their light, but they always light us.
They know that all beings are Buddhas.
That is why they inspire everybody’s awakening.
And their secret embrace is certain!
As certain as the conscience awakening of all.

(These writings are dedicated to all extra physical helpers who support mankind invisibly.)

Peace and Light.

Wagner Borges – a guy with qualities and faults, who does not follow any doctrine created by the men on Earth, as he knows that love is unconditional and does not submit to the doctrinaire, racial, sexual, economical and philosophical barriers. Love is love: it cannot be explained or labeled, only felt.

São Paulo - Brazil, November 21, 2006

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Wagner Borges é pesquisador, conferencista e instrutor de cursos de Projeciologia e autor dos livros Viagem Espiritual 1, 2 e 3 entre outros.
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