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It is necessary to change...

It is necessary to change... por Saul Brandalise Jr. em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 12/09/2005 20:09:13

Translated by Nancy Juozapavicius - [email protected]

Our life can be compared to a circus. It is up to us to decide which is the role we are going to perform in the circus-ring. An illusionist, a juggler, a trapeze artist, or an animal tamer.
God gave us freewill and is with this freewill we will evolve or stop or even, who knows, retrograde. The choice is ours. To make the others responsible by our lack of success is to search for mud in the desert.
I can be a clown and make people laugh. It would be interesting for the society and useful for my friends, I would do nothing else but being fun. Several times we behave as true clowns in a circus-ring and we think people don’t realize that our behavior is inadequate and inconvenient concerning the moment we are living and the way we are behaving.
I can be an illusionist and risk believing in my own illusion, and this way not understands and accept life as it is. Living on illusions is the easiest way to never be able to understand what really happens around us. We live far away from the reality and distant from truth.
I can be a juggler, create my own difficulties and learn form them. Juggling helps us overcome our day-by-day and to find out our true virtues.

I can be a trapezium artist and manage my insecurities the best way life can provide. When I go from one trapezium to another I will be free in the air, stuck only to my mind and thus I will learn that in every change there is uncertainty.
Learn that life demands exactly this. To challenge our tranquility and our comfortable and accommodated way of doing things in this incarnation. Change is breaking the biggest paradigm of our existence: our comfort and our stillness. Change is understanding the evolutionary law. Find out what you are doing here in this planet and in this small world where we live.

I could be a tamer and finally tame the beast of insecurity and uncertainty which lives inside me. Fight the two animals which dwell in my being: the wolf and the sheep. The one I feed with my thoughts will survive.

This is my circus, and yours, is it already lifted? Have you already discovered yourself? It is only necessary to look inside you...
With it I want to learn that it is necessary to change always, according to the circumstances and the necessities. I am what I feed my mind with. I live according to the “circus I lift”.

I know we will see each other.
Kiss on your soul.

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É Preciso Mudar...

Saul Brandalise Jr. é colaborador do Site, autor do livro: O Despertar da Consciência da editora Theus, onde mostra através das narrativas de suas experiências como extrair lições de vida e entusiasmo de cada obstáculo que se encontra ao longo de uma vida.
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