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Autor Saul Brandalise Jr.

Atualizado em 08/04/2008 12:23:46

Translated by Germán - [email protected]

Our main power supply is, undoubtedly, our brain. Several investigations at American and European Universities have shown that no man-made thing can be compared to the energy that our brain emits.
However, it is not questioned that we are what we think and, more than that, we internalise our environment. That means that our brain's control is just of the truths we WANT to believe in.

Kenneth Kushner ensures in his book “The Zen Bowman and The Art of Living”:
Training in Zen is very hard. One way or another, because of the effort or the suffering, every student will have to overcome some obstacles. It consists of a constant fight against the Ego – quarter of thoughts and emotions that confuse our perception.
It is very important that we realise that our thoughts, once emitted, create, make an attracting energy, and all things which surround us tend to seem what we believe.

Because of that, it is fundamental that we start to define our truths and to search the origin of every one of them, evaluating whether it is really useful for us, or it has been imposed to us. Who imposes, does it because of his or her utter ignorance of the serious mistake that trying to coach somebody is. We, the human beings, have each one a mission. To get in the way of that mission means to get involved in the achievement of the target. To get in the way of the training makes karma. Being resourceful or resourceless is part of this training.

It is not by chance that every astrological sign reflects a personality. It is not by chance that there are 12 astrological signs. It is not by chance that an Aries-born person is born very clean. Therefore, it is important to realize the truths and the reasons concerning the fact we are what we believe. Moreover: what we say is as bad as our behaviour. It is fundamental that we know that all gets back, so being very careful when thinking, because it is what means the difference.
We will get all we have projected.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, an American scientist, has been in charge of an investigation in the United States, trying to prove that cells, regardless of the distance, communicate. He tried to check the strength of our thinking.
He tried gathering one person's blood samples and performing the haemogram; keeping one sample of this blood in order to perform future tests; storing it 500 miles (800 Km) away from the person.

Then, the same person was put under extreme stress by Lipton. When this person was quite upset, Dr. Lipton took another blood sample. He performed another haemogram. Of course, the results got worse. The levels of cholesterol, blood sugar... were disturbed, compared to the former haemogram.
When Lipton checked the blood sample stored 500 miles away... do you know what happened?

He performed another test, and it happened to be just the same compared to the test that had been performed under stress. That is, the person's blood, kept 500 miles away, had been disturbed the same way the other sample did. In one way or another, inexplicably, blood cells had communicated, because both blood samples showed the same characteristics.
More and more people, mainly Scientists, are realizing that our thinking has a huge power, that cannot be measured.
Therefore, we cannot measure the havoc we are wreaking with our lives when we say “I cannot...”

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