

Autor Saul Brandalise Jr.

Atualizado em 23/08/2004 16:23:52

Translated by Françoise Killick
[email protected]

I am different from other people: I cannot feel charmed by Paris! I think the Parisians are ill-educated, arrogant and boisterous, always pretending they don’t understand when they are addressed in English.
When I go to Paris, I have a gastronomic mission: go to Lafayette and eat seafood. I love oysters and fresh mussels. I relish crabs. Shortly, I love seafood.
And twice did I find a pearl in an oyster: the first time in Paris, the second one in Florianòpolis - Brazil, without realizing the importance of such an experience. But these last days, after my returning from the Andes, I read a small book about pearls, how they are created and what they represent.
They are, truly speaking, results of suffering. They are only created provided a sand grain touches the flesh of the oyster. Exactly the same way it happens to us when we go through some difficulty: our evolution is based on that pain in order to produce the real pearls of our existence.
The interesting thing is that, while I discovered my pearls, I was undergoing a new phase of my life. I was receiving a jewel without being aware of it.
Today, after this work with the Incas, I can “see” the things that I was not able to understand.
Do the same thing. See how many pearls you have already found, even without eating any oyster, and thank God for the understanding you gain.
Kisses in your soul.
I know we’ll be seeing each other.

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