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Prayer and Mind Powers

Prayer and Mind Powers por Flávio Gikovate em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 08/06/2006 16:53:50

Translated by Cleonice Franco - [email protected]

Nowadays, more and more people believe that the success or failure of an undertaking depends, at least partly, on the way we organize our inner world and our thoughts. On placing ourselves positively and assertively before the achievement of a certain aim, the chances of succeeding increase. Is it true? First of all, we have to know whether inner disposition really interferes in our achievements.

I believe so. And by means of two mechanisms. The first has to do with what I have called, since 1980, fear of happiness. We all get a little afraid – or rather – when we notice that our projects are going well and show growing evidences of becoming successful. It seems that the accumulation of good things “attracts” bad thoughts, people’s envy, what is true, and the wrath of the gods. We feel threatened. It is as if the chances of tragedy would increase in the same proportion of our good results. In spite of being false, that is the way we feel. Thus the universal practice of superstitious rituals of protection, such as knocking on wood, crossing one’s fingers, wearing charms, and so on. The more competent to “bear” happiness, the bigger the tendency to act more positively and constructively. After all, when the fear of happiness gets bigger, we end up making mistakes that keep us distant from success and lead us to the worst results. In spite of being sad, they are less threatening. Success is more frightening than failure!

The other mechanism has to do with the phenomena called paranormal. Despite the fact of being a less solid ground than the previous mechanism, it is indisputable and easily proved. Only very obstinate people, nowadays, doubt the existence of telepathy, for instance. Telepathy corresponds to the most simple and elementary parapsychological phenomenon. It is the communication between two brains by means of processes called extrasensory (without using any sense organ). Thus, there are two communication levels fighting each other among people: the sensory and the extrasensory ones. Whenever two competitors fight for a segment of the market, for instance, they create an advertisement for the sense organs and one that will arrive via paranormal ways.

The propaganda that gets spread by means of parapsychological ways will depend on the state of the soul of the person who is selling the product. If your ultimate disposition for success is strong and decided, without any hesitation and with a firm belief in your chances, you may have a more favorable result than a competitor who, under equal conditions, neglects this subjective aspect, which is more psychological. Therefore, the chances of someone who controls their innermost fears linked to success and happiness increase, and so do the ones of those who think positively to have things go the way they want. But that does not mean that success is guaranteed.

The one who affirms that is a seller of illusions. There must be effective competence for success: the product that is being sold must be, at least, similar to the competitors’. However, rivals should not be underestimated: they may also use positive thinking even more effectively! In this case, they will be the winners, not us.

It may seem that we are taking possession of new mechanisms, thanks to the progress of the brain sciences and psychology. That is not what I think. All the modern techniques of mentalization, potentialization of the use of the brain are just scientific versions of the ancient traditional prayers, characteristic of most religions. By means of a prayer, the faithful concentrates, asks God to help them achieve certain goals, and begs for strength to bear pains and difficulties. The individual concentrates some times a day, with all their psychic strength, in order to increase their chances of success. It is doubted whether God hears or not each prayer or request. However, I do not believe that there is still doubt about the efficacy of this process of using the mind, characteristic of a prayer. Perhaps that is the origin of the saying: “It’s better who God helps than who early awakes.”

Flávio Gikovate is a psychotherapist doctor, pioneer of the sex therapy in Brazil.

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Flávio Gikovate é um eterno amigo e colaborador do STUM.
Foi médico psicoterapeuta, pioneiro da terapia sexual no Brasil.
Conheça o Instituto de Psicoterapia de São Paulo.
Faleceu em 13 de outubro de 2016, aos 73 anos em SP.

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