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The challenge to live

The challenge to live por Elisabeth Cavalcante em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 14/09/2006 21:23:44

Translated by Mônica Reis - [email protected]

Many people still feel a lot of difficulty in understanding the meaning of giving up a fight attitude, giving in, let things happen, go with the flow without making things to happen.

For them, when a Master proposes this new attitude, he is suggesting that we leave our daily tasks like work, study or simply the fact of living among friends and family, aside.

However, it is not about that. By the way, it is the greatest challenge people who seek for the Truth need to face as days go by; it is to be able to manifest their essence, their true self, in this mad world we are living in.

This task would be impossible without meditation, because only by reserving sometime to experience the encounter with our own personal light we can get stronger and find the source of wisdom we need to guide us each and every moment in our lives.

The attitude of letting yourself go to the existence with absolute trust in what it reserves to us, is the only way to attract exactly the experiences we need to reach the internal growth which we intend to in the current incarnation.

Therefore, it is important to value this opportunity we are now living and to engage ourselves in overcoming challenges life proposes to us. Without them, the journey would unquestionably be much easier, but totally senseless.

“Continue being a business person, but forget about that for some hours. I don’t expect you to run away from your daily life. I am here to talk about the paths, the ways, the alchemy which allow you to change the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Be a businessperson at the office, not at home. And, from time to time, forget even about your house, your family, your spouse, your children. Stay alone with yourself. Go deeper and deeper inside of yourself. Have fun with yourself, love yourself.

Then, little by little, you will notice that there is a great happiness growing inside of yourself, without any external reason. This is your own self, your own blooming. This is meditation.
... You will see this great happiness growing inside of your being without any apparent reason. Share this happiness, spread it to all the other beings are around you.

... Once meditation has become a habit to you, sannyas is not too far ahead! My own sannyas is nothing but living in an ordinary world, but living in such a way that I don’t feel controlled by it. To remain transcendental, to remain in the world, but a little above it. This is what sannyas is all about.
It is not about sannyas the old way, which you had to run away from your family, your children and businesses, go to the Himalayas. This has never worked out. Many went to live in the mountains, but they bear their stupid minds with them.

... You can leave the world, but you cannot leave your mind here. Your mind will go along, it is inside of you. And wherever you are, this very mind will create the same kind of world around you.
... Satisfaction is an objective in life, and meditation is the means to reach it. Without meditation, nobody would ever really know what satisfaction is like.
It is not about pleasure. Pleasure is physiological, chemical. It is superficial and momentary... It cannot be deeper than that, for physiology is not deep.

Satisfaction is not even happiness. What we call happiness is psychological. Whenever you find a moment of elation and enthusiasm, your ego is filled and you feel happy. When you are successful in something, are elected or win a competition, you feel happy, because you have defeated competitors, has obtained success, fame, money, and glory. But soon you will get tired of all this.

... Whenever your ego is filled, you will feel happy. But satisfaction is another kind of phenomenon, it is completely different. It cannot be pleasure because it is not physiological. It cannot be happiness because there is no fulfillment of the ego. On the contrary, it is the dissolution of ego, it is the dissolution of your identity.

This is what meditation is all about: the reunion, the dissolution among the whole, to completely forget that you are separate from the rest, remembering only your union with the whole.

... We are only one with the whole although we think we are separate from it. We are inseparable. We can be separate simply because we think we are separate. All we need is to remember. All we need is to leave behind this erroneous notion that we are separate.

... Therefore, it is necessary to assimilate the meaning of meditation. No matter how long this will take, what the price is going to be, it is necessary to be ready. Once you are ready, it won’t be difficult. This is the state of mind that makes you feel you deserve this huge satisfaction, and things become simpler then”

Osho – from the book Aprendendo a silenciar a mente (Learning to silence your mind).

Elisabeth Cavalcante is a Tarot reader, Astrologer,
I Ching Counselor and Flower Therapist.
She offers her services in São Paulo; to set an appointment, send her an email.
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Elisabeth Cavalcante é Taróloga, Astróloga, Consultora de I Ching e Terapeuta Floral.
Atende em São Paulo e para agendar uma consulta, envie um email.
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