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The Evolution Cycle - Money

The Evolution Cycle - Money por Saul Brandalise Jr. em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 13/09/2006 14:28:32

Translated by Cleonice Franco - [email protected]

The night was cold, more than the conventional for Santa Catarina Island. In spite of being considered wrong by some people and that I should live on one of the beaches, I decided to live in the interior of the island. What I think of my attitudes is more important than what people think. In fact, what they think is their own business.

Ratones, the neighborhood where I live, is favored by nature. The temperature is always lower – approximately 3 degrees centigrade - than the rest of the island. The mountains and vegetation surrounding the plain remind me of my homeland, Videira, and create a beautiful landscape for the ones who like the mountain range, the country and nature. This temperature obviously makes the night feel cozier for a quiet night’s sleep. While some complain about the heat of the night, the ones who live in Ratones have to use a blanket.
When I realized it, I had woken up… as I am in the habit of writing as soon as I wake up, I always have a notepad and a pen near my bed… so, it was not different, I had to jot down what was coming. I was certainly being doctrinated in my sleep and asked for permission not to forget what I was learning.

I wrote:

Never run after money, it always runs faster than our actions, if they do not obey the law of cause and effect; it’s necessary to know how to plant in order to enjoy the crop. It’s fundamental to search for victory without causing moral and material damages to the ones who allow us to enjoy the benefits resulting from our attitudes. When we put the money matter before, we run the risk of doing anything for it. This attitude creates an opposite effect on our conquests. Money, happiness and enjoyment will always be in imbalance; there won’t be happiness. It’s necessary to know how to obtain, how to get the resources.
Do everything to be happy... act with rectitude and honor, even if people find you “a bit of a wimp”, don’t deceive nor benefit only for yourself. Take people with you, this process slows down the speed of money; it will be easily overtaken. Acting this way, we’ll always manage to walk ahead of it. If you control your attitudes, the way you plant, the speed of your crops will always be ahead of the money. It’s consequence and never cause or objective… whoever searches for it wildly, forgets what is doing on this planet. This attitude blinds us and puts us “in moral check”.
The resources that we need to perform our mission here on Earth will always come to us, but we can never forget that this is consequence and not cause.

I found it interesting to share this warning with you … I obviously learned with it.

I know we’ll see each other.
Kiss on your soul

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Saul Brandalise Jr. é colaborador do Site, autor do livro: O Despertar da Consciência da editora Theus, onde mostra através das narrativas de suas experiências como extrair lições de vida e entusiasmo de cada obstáculo que se encontra ao longo de uma vida.
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