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To be Natural

To be Natural por Rubia A. Dantés em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 31/01/2005 13:45:38

Translated by Luciana Soares Lopes

A few days ago I realized that there is a right moment for every single thing when I surprised myself trying to do a work that didn't flow... My mind insisted in telling me to do it, showing me that I wouldn't have enough time later... among other things... and it divided my attention between what my mind was saying and what my body was feeling... Every time I tried to do my work I couldn't... and I ended up losing a lot of energy in this battle between reason and feeling... but I didn't do the work until I felt myself inside of it...
Yesterday, for my surprise... I woke up and did the work easily... feeling well and involved with what I was doing... everything flew so well that I couldn't believe... I finished my work in a much shorter period than I thought I would need... This is the right moment... I thought.
However much I know that every single day has a quality of energy that is in favor of certain things... and that, when we flow with this wisdom of the right moment, things happen without any effort... sometimes I still surprise myself forcing my nature, trying to do things which are not the propitious for that day... but I think that my body knows, because I really can't do that. It seems that a huge resistance stops me from doing what my mind tries to tell me to do... And after some days I surprise myself doing that easily and lightly and I'm sure that that moment is the right one...
I remembered of the effort and time I waste and I saw myself as a tree trying to speed up the bearing of the fruits... I felt a pain in my heart when I thought of a tree working against its nature... It's curious how most people work against their nature believing it's right... But now it's no use crying over spilt milk... the point is what each one of us can do... the answer is so simple but many times so complicated to get...

To Be Natural...
While I was writing "To Be Natural" my Outlook Express program warned me that I had received an e-mail. When I read I was surprised with the title of the message: "Do you want to start your year naturally?" I clicked on the link and the first thing I saw was an item about Dr. Bach... where I find these words: "Edward Bach (1886-1936), admitted that men weren't only a body. He said that the main cause of diseases and unhappiness is the conflict that appears when our personalities are attracted to outside of the way drawn up by the soul".
To be in the right moment is to flow with what is natural without trying to speed up or delay time, so that the many demands fit in it, demands made by our ego and the many egos we are used to follow...
This wisdom belongs to all of us, but... we forget, because we put many other things in that place... But it's available to anyone who allows himself/herself to escape from this rhythm society imposes to us and to anyone who tries to be faithful to his/her deepest nature...
We feel and we realize when things flow without effort and when we make an effort for them to happen... I remembered an example. It's very different to do one thing in the right moment in harmony with everything and to do another thing, as most people do, considering many things, but their own nature... Imagine a carver making a wood statue. When it's not the right moment, it is as if he had carved this statue with a type of wood that's not adequate... not yet totally dry, with blunt tools and as if he was cold and without energy.
He would have to make a lot of effort and the work wouldn't be good. While this same carver, if he was in his right moment... he would have his tools quite sharp and the perfect wood... in the right moment and he would be full of energy. It's obvious that the work would happen faster, without effort and it would be much more perfect...

When we are tuned into our nature things practically happen and we surprise ourselves doing that with a lot of pleasure...
The more I try this natural timing, when everything flows without effort, the more I'm sure that this is the way...
The way where our Soul is together... and where our rhythm is tuned in with the heart of the Galaxy...

Another coincidence...
While I was writing this text I received the special bulletin of this site ( and I saw that in it there is the item where I also talk about the right time...

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Ser Natural...

Rubia A. Dantés é Designer, cria mandalas e ilustrações em conexão...
Trabalhos individuais e em grupo, com o Sagrado Feminino, o Dom e o Perdão...
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