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Why not try?

Why not try? por Rubia A. Dantés em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 09/12/2004 13:01:11

Translated by Nancy Juozapavicius - [email protected]
Final revision by Françoise Killick - [email protected]

It is now easier for me to give something that involves my gift and my work, as I have clearly experienced the action of the Universe...
I now give up control and let things flow naturally, because I know that, when I willingly give up this control, I need to let go of this part I have willingly given. When we entitle the Universe to completely have things in its hands, we cannot control things to happen at our speed, nor try to direct some points according to our will...
I feel that I need to surrender and trust that it’s being done the best way…
It is the time when the seed we planted is germinating, still covered by earth. And when time comes, it will break the soil with natural strength and become a beautiful tree...

It is the time, - because we are still too afraid of the unknown and for many other reasons -, when that part of ourselves that doesn’t want to lose control takes advantage to undermine our faith… Through many distressed voices, it tries to convince us that we need to act in a way or another... It tries to convince us that time is passing and things will not happen... So many other countless doubts make us act erratically, having us eat an unripe fruit or, worse, not allowing the fruit to spring…
Or it can even prevent us from harvesting the ripe fruit, coming up with a thousand obstacles to delay our actions...
Many projects get lost either because of haste or excessive delay caused by our fears......

Recently, the Universe showed me it was high time for me to start working with people... As soon as it showed me the way, it also brought the people who needed this work….
Things happened so quickly that I did not even have a room of my own. My mother then offered me a room at home, until I could find another place.
I was glad, but... as this room was furnished with a sofa and an old bed (the pair of my mother’s bed, with high affective value), I thought she would never get rid of them...
I quickly understood this constituted an obstacle, as there would not be enough room... besides the fact I wasn’t sure whether it would be a good idea to work at home…
So I asked the Universe to show me the place where I should work, and asked if that room would be the place…I made myself available for guidance… open to any answer… At the same time, I got rid of any expectancy that could influence me…

I didn’t even have to wait long... two days after that, my mother received a phone call from someone interested in buying the pair of old beds… To my surprise, she agreed to sell them, as a symbol of the work she had been developing for some time on herself, not to remain attached to past.
And as the person was in a hurry, my mother also took off the sofa out of the room so that she could sleep on it until she bought a new bed…Not only did the Universe show me how I could use that place, but it also emptied it so quickly I could hardly believe my eyes... But I accepted the gift and went on...
Many times... because we do not believe in the strength that is in each one of us and carries in itself all the most creative solutions, we choose the more difficult and less assertive way of acting...

The fact is that things happen so easily when they are guided by the Universe that it goes against our strongest beliefs which tell us we need to make a lot of efforts and even suffer to have things...
I think this is the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one with more Light…it is a good time to substitute simplicity and lightness for effort... things that are made available for us by the Universe...
When we remember all energy has an influence on the whole... we will be benefiting this whole each time we choose a smoother path to achieve our goals. We will then exhale happiness instead of the grieving we used to release when we believed effort and grieving were necessary to value our achievements...
Sometimes we don’t even notice how strongly we are controlled by forces that we feed with pain, fears and grieving...

If we, up to now, needed to learn with suffering and often emphasized grieving as the only path... it is now about time that we ask ourselves some questions before we go on...
Before indulging ourselves in the belief we have to suffer, let's try to understand why we have these beliefs, where they came from and where they have been taking mankind…..

If grieving is showing us a path as a way of liberating ourselves from the grieving itself... aren’t we paying too much attention to the path and forgetting the goal?
Isn’t this a good time to choose a smoother path where we would enjoy each step... and where each step would be our contribution to the Whole...

I think this is a good time to exchange our limiting beliefs for more effective actions, connected to our deepest will...

It’s high time... maybe our last opportunity in this huge cycle that is finishing…to believe that, even in the midst of so great a chaos, the Universe is putting new energies within our grasp, energies that beckon us with the possibilities of growing up and creating Love and Light, much more easily than through the ways we have learned up to now…

Let’s believe. Let's receive these gifts with gratitude... If we have not succeeded with the old formula, why not try a different one?

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Por que não tentar?

Rubia A. Dantés é Designer, cria mandalas e ilustrações em conexão...
Trabalhos individuais e em grupo, com o Sagrado Feminino, o Dom e o Perdão...
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