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Emmanuel Macron, President of France, predictions 2019

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Autor Elaine Bernardes da Fonseca

Assunto Astrologia
Atualizado em 12/12/2018 3:30:04 PM

Emmanuel Macron, president of France since 2017, was born on december 21st 1977. I want to cast some predictions since the president has been facing turmoil and upheaval in France with the gilet jaunes. His vedic chart is

lagna cancer mars house 2 leao saturn house 3 virgo rahu house 4 libra house 5 scorpio venus house 6 sagittarius mercury sun house 7 capricorn house 8 aquarius house 9 pisces ketu house 10 aries house 11 taurus house 12 gemini jupiter

Monsieur Macron was elected president of France during his vimsottari dasha of rahu in virgo in the 3rd house. Rahu is strong in the sign of virgo and well placed by bhava ( house ), a upachaya house which gives courage and steady material progress. I have writen several articles in this brazilia blog about rahu and its conexion with politicians and political life. rahu is a much misunderstood graha.

it has something of the angel and the demon. it can bring much material progress and can uplift a person to the high echelons of society if well placed in the chart. some fortunate guys become millionaires or billionaires during  dasha of rahu. Tiger Woods is an example of rahu made person during his vimsottari dasha of rahu in libra in the second house. rahu is a smokey planet. it camouflages, disguises, leads with corruption, mafias, foreigners, high technology, asuras, materialistic people. rahu  is very charismatic.

It was between Macron´s 25 yeas old and 43 years old that he made his rank up the echelons of society, from associate in the Rotschild bank to the great heights of politics. What is important to point out in Macron´s chart, it is his cazimi mercury in the sign of sagittarius. his sun is at 6º13´and mercury 5º49´less than a degree from the sun.

There is a difference between a combust planet ( range from 1º to 13º from the sun ) and a cazimi planet, in the heart of the sun. A combust mercury is prone to make wrong choices, to enter failure business, or can even suffer from intelectual impairment due to bipolarity, shyness, autism, schizophrenia. A cazimi mercury can give geniality.

mercury cazimi in sagittarius gives geniality in finances, laws, society regulations. sagittarius lord is jupiter, the dhanakaraka planet of finances. in Macron´s chart there is a parivartana or mutual reception between mercury and jupiter.  mercury cazimi acts like the prince or an assistant close to the king. it is a priviliged relationship between Macron and the government and rich people, finance moguls are represented by sagittarius. mercury cazimi is dispositor of rahu mahadasha in virgo. embassys, messengers, envoys.

Uranus is transiting his 10th house since 2018. uranus is a revolutionary planet. uranus transiting the cabinet house can bring turmoil and upheaval, revolution and dismiss from his office. Giles jaunes, jaunes is yellow colour , a colour of jupiter graha, which is in the 12th house of Macron´s chart, a malefic house or dusthana. during dasha of jupiter that will come after his 43 years old he may be in prison or in overseas. jupiter and rahu doesn´t like each other. rahu is transiting his lagna cancer with mars until 24th march 2019. more riots, violence, terrorism, war. whenever is a terrorist attack, moon transits with ketu or rahu.

The attack last night in srassbourg ( 12/11/2018 ) took place with moon-ketu in capricorn transiting macron´s 7th house.

During Xmas 2018, moon will be with rahu in cancer. Tension in the air, threat of terrorism attack ou sudden events may take place.

january 6th 2018, solar eclipse in sagittarius will activate his natal sun in sagittarius and mercury dispositor of rahu. more changes in Macron´s office, he may be eclipsed from government in the next 2 years.

january 21st lunar eclipse in cancer activates his natal mars in lagna, will brin violence, anger, riots and change of residence. Wish well form all French people. Egalité, Fraternité, Liberté.


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