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jupiter in scorpio forecast october 2018 til november 2019

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Autor Elaine Bernardes da Fonseca

Assunto Astrologia
Atualizado em 20/09/2018 18:37:50

I have an international certificate from Saptarishis Astrology India. Free consultations at [email protected]  please send your birthdate, birth hour, birthplace and problems that you may have.

Jupiter on october 11th 2018 is going to enter in the sign of scorpio (vrishika ) until november 4th 2019. jupiter is known as guru or brihaspati and it is a benefic graha ( planet ). It is also called as putrakaraka ( children indicator ), dhanakaraka ( money giver ), darakaraka ( husband indicator ) and gnanakaraka ( knowledge giver ).

Chant Om Gurave Namaha at the day of jupiter entrance in scorpio ( 10/11/2018 )  at least 108 times. I reasearched the previous years when jupiter was in scorpio ( 1935, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 ) historical events, so as to have an idea of what may occur in this present transit ( 2018-2019 ).

Therefore what to expect from jupiter in scorpio ? Vrishika is a fixes sign (sthira ), jala tattwa ( water ), graha lord are mars and ketu which are 2 malefic grahas, krura and tamasic nature. Scorpio is considered a very karmic sign. In the natural zodiac, scorpio rules the 8th bhava ( house )  from lagna (risign sign ) and it is related to inlaws, money of others, occult science, longevity, surgeries, career crisis, pension funds, securities, retirement, insurance and inheritance. jupiter in scorpio or vrichika rules mass death, insects and sudden events because of the nature of the lord ketu.  Due to the mars energy: manhood, bravery, deaths, army, engineer, oil industry, violence blasts.

Therefore I would suggest that in this period ( 2018-2019 ) to invest in  life insurance, fire insurance, cell mobile insurante, vehicle and health insurance. jupiter in scorpio rules viruses and infectious diseases because of the nature of ketu. some advancements in P&D ( research and tech industry advancementes ) in this year to come. In the finance sector may be some bankrupts may happen and finance recovery. When jupiter entered in scorpio in 2007, the worst financial crisis happened since the 1930´s depression. Many people bankrupted and lost their homes. Leman´s collapsed then. Many are still recovering from this last capitalism crisis.

Perhaps a new financial bubble may happen between october 2019-november 2019 related to bitcoin and other problems of worldwide economy. China and United States commercial war will have an impact.

In 1995 yahoo was born. Therefore new technological advancements and new internet business will be created now between october 2018-november 2019. In 1959, Fidel Castro took office in Cuba. Perhaps in the less developed coutries communism and left ring parties will rise. In 1947, jupiter was conjuct ketu in scorpio and the United States aid Europe with money and technology. Marshall plan and Truman Doctrine.

In 1983 Iran and Iraq declared war and in Argentina it was the Falkland wars. Due to this heavy energy of scorpio we can forecast new wars around the world due to resources supply may happen now between october 2018-november 2019.


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