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Autor Elaine Bernardes da Fonseca

Assunto Astrologia
Atualizado em 27/09/2019 17:44:36

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According to sidereal vedic astrology, ayanamsa true lahiri, sign of cancer or moon in cancer, lagna in cancer may face such changes in life in 2020:

Saturn on 23rd January 2020 ingress sign of Capricorn in the 7 th house of cancer, forming sasa yoga. Your partner will grow in position, may be a bureaucrat position. Cancerians will be more mature and will make important partnerships, strong and longlasting alliances. Everything till 2022.

Some cancer people will marry in 2020 e other will go to parties and a last group of cancerians will get job.

Jupiter transit Capricorn in the 7th house between april 2020 and june 2020 of cancer people. It will be a lovely time to you. There will be a Jupiter-saturn conjunction of great luck and you will be overvalued in this time in society and because of your work highly praised.

Jupiter ingress sagittariuns on 4th November 2019 until april 2020  through your 6th house. Good job workplace, beware of liver problems, and you may have good doctor.

Rahu ingress in Taurus between September 2020 til 2022 and câncer people will be more materialistic and earning more Money. Your friends and elder sibling will hit the jacket pot.

Ketu in scorpio between September 2020 til 2022 in the 5th house shows that cancerians will research more about spiritual themes. Some issues with children. A person from past life comes back in your life. Fatal attractions.

Actress Angelina Jolie has lagna in cancer. Transit of ketu in scorpio bring in her life issues related to children and criativity. Given ketu will transit her natal rahu can show a karmic retribution related to children, love and artistic pursuits from September 2020. Sometimes, disapointments and unexpected changes.

Rahu will transit her natal son, Mercury, ketu in her 11th bhava or house and can shows friends in the elite, materialistisc and excentric friends.

Saturn and Jupiter transiting Capricorn can bring a new marriage or proposal to Angelina Jolie.

Don´t forget to chant hare Krishna !

Om tat Sat!

Astrologer from the tropics

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