Be the Author of your own Life Story!

Be the Author of your own Life Story!
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Autor Joseila Gerotto

Assunto Autoconhecimento
Atualizado em 21/02/2016 13:23:15

 Time is going so fast that I cannot believe it’s already been two months since New Year’s Eve when I promised to change so many things in my life. I bet you did the same, didn’t you? What happened to all of my dreams and plans? Did they vanish in the air? No, after Carnival I would have begun if… if… if… Everything that I had devised, the decision to join the new fitness center right on the corner of the street, the diet programs, the new haircut, the new circles of friends. Not to mention that course I had planned to take some years ago and that dream vacation trip I have been postponing for decades…

 I remember having already written something like that before. Well, you also had so many things in mind, millions of ideas you wanted to put into practice that you adjourned all of them for a day after New Year’s Eve, after Carnival, after another holiday and so on. And here you are again, rethinking your life. Please, no complaining, no whining. No, no, no, no! No lame excuses, either. This is the right moment for you to start anew if you are really motivated to change. Therefore take a decision in your life.

 But I should warn you that I learned another expression to replace the one that I have just written and from now on I will say that I am ready to take a new attitude in life, which sounds a little bit softer, doesn’t it? “To take a decision” carries a more imperative tone with it, it is more drastic, it disturbs my thoughts because I feel the expression in a more mental way than “to take an attitude” that gives me the idea of something physical, an act of impulse-.I would say a roll-up your sleeves attitude. Anyhow, I heard a very wise explanation that convinced me that the word “attitude” is a better choice for the word “decision”. And I tested it and it worked out miracles In my life! I challenge you to do the same to see if the same happens to you. Maybe not…Even though it is not a recipe, it is worth while trying it yourself, if you have already taken many decisions in your life and just a little has changed...

 Therefore, take an attitude today, now, and begin to change at this very moment. Stop everything you are doing and put down on paper what you plan to do this week, this month, this year… When you write down what you intend to do you show your real intentions to the Cosmos! Do it by parts, if you find it difficult to prepare your list for the whole year ahead and start by the last plan you have in mind. I cannot tell for sure whether it is right, but people say that great minds consider their projects from the future back to the present. What about checking this? Like a Doubting Thomas.

 Experience the feeling of fulfillment of all your plans and dreams. Make a list of priorities and imagine each one of its items as if they have already been accomplished. Turn off your cell phones, focus on your task, because this is the time available for the most important person in your life: YOU! If you are not fine, how can you relate with other people around you or who depend on you? The day is too short for you to do all the things you want to do? Take an attitude, do not read your list only! Do act on it!

 Do you know that you discover you waste at least 20% of your time doing things that are not significant to your life when you program what you want to do ahead of time? That is sooo true! Emails, texts, messages on facebook and on whatsapp that you could read afterwards and some other little things that distract your attention…At the end of the day you are going to realize that you could have done some other tasks that would have been more relevant for you to achieve your goals, but unfortunately you put them aside to satisfy the little social whims you believed you had to fulfill. Do not feel discouraged, though! Human beings are like that when they are not aware that they are the creators of their own story. Just write the book of your life and erase what you do not want to read any more and is therefore useless. Do not let anyone else hold the pen for you.

 The moment to change is now, not Monday, next month or next year. Take advantage of the time at your disposal!

 Today is a new day. Begin now and keep the flame of motivation and enthusiasm on, living each moment as if it were the first moment in your life. And the only one you have!

 What do you intend to do in 2016? Which are your goals? Do you want to get rid of the things that do not add anything to your life anymore? Do you want to live a more harmonious life? Do you want to overcome those conflicts that threaten to steal from you the peace you have been longing for?

 Take the reins of your life today, and remember that you are compromising with yourself, the person that should be in the first place of the line. Choose to be the author of your life story, not the spectator. Create your own world!

 Yes, you will find innumerous guides on your path, a varied number of tools of great value, and each one will be as important as the other one when you decide to write your life storybook. However, watch out! The key to discover your purpose, the most essential element, however, lies inside you, and without it, all the paths have no meaning.

 And now? Would you like to start with a reading about your natal Sun in 2016? Do you know that the SUN rules this year? How can you enjoy this radiant energy and let your personal SUN shine on your life and on the world around you?

 Hope you take a look at my next article, where I will give some clues to the twelve solar signs. See you then!

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Conteúdo desenvolvido pelo Autor Joseila Gerotto   
Professora de alemão e inglês (exames TOEFL e SAT), consultora astrológica, facilitadora do Jogo da Transformação, PNL e life coach Página no facebook: Kironcoaching e-mails: [email protected] e [email protected]
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