Continuation: Part II Be the Author of your own Life Story!

Continuation:   Part II Be the Author of your own Life Story!
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Autor Joseila Gerotto

Assunto Autoconhecimento
Atualizado em 27/02/2016 11:40:20

 Part II: The Sun in the Natal Chart

 The Sun represents your creativity, your brilliance in the astrological chart, that quality of yours that makes you unique and special. It does not shine for itself, it exists to serve others in the Universe, other stars, other beings in nature and the whole humanity. You depend on it and it depends on you. This shows the interrelatedness of everything in the Cosmos.

 How can you expand your clarity, your magnificent splendor, the flame of your creativity to the people around you, without making them blind so that they can handle the brightness of your light? You sure have to learn how to deal with your own SUN power.

   First of all I need to clarify what I mean by the word “creativity”, so that you comprehend my language. When I was a teenager and even as an adult I believed that I needed to possess some artistic talents to be considered a creative person, and since I could hardly draw anything but stick figures I used to affirm I was not such a person. Whenever I participated in a group work I was the one who would organize the project in a practical way. Responsibility and organizational ability were the best assets I could offer my teams, and it took me many years till I realized I did not need to be artistically gifted the way I thought or even skilled in handicraft to be considered as a creative type.

 To taste the flow of creativity in everything is to follow your inner voice, your heart, your soul in all the projects you are involved with, regardless whether you are paid for them or not. When you do something for the sake of love, when you compromise all your Being, your Self in a profound and complete way, you are sure using your creativity, your Sun power, your Sun energy and shine. In this way you improve your innate talents but be alert and remind that a talent is nothing unless you put it to work! Creativity is also hard work, too. And that is spirituality, therefore when you are creative you are spiritual. At the end you can pronounce out loud: I express myself, I express my real truth. And that means you let your natal Sun energy radiates its light everywhere.

 After explaining what I think is relevant for the understanding of my article I believe we are in tune with each other and I am able to share some tips with all the twelve solar signs, taking into consideration the moment we all are living right now- February 2016-, the position of some planets in the sky in relation to their natal SUN, combining their personal aspect and that one that unites them to the whole group.

 To the experts in Astrology, I do have to explain that I considered the transits of the social as well as of the transpersonal planets, the Lunar Node and Chiron, my beloved Master. I remind you though, dear reader, that there are some other relevant aspects for a deeper evaluation of your personal SUN in 2016. Anyhow, I hope the next article serves as an appetizer for you to embark on a journey to yourself for self-knowledge.

 Let’s go, people! I will focus on the positive sides of my analysis since I am a Chironian person when I read an astrological birth chart. Next time I will say the reason for that.

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Conteúdo desenvolvido pelo Autor Joseila Gerotto   
Professora de alemão e inglês (exames TOEFL e SAT), consultora astrológica, facilitadora do Jogo da Transformação, PNL e life coach Página no facebook: Kironcoaching e-mails: [email protected] e [email protected]
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