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Autor Fátima Rodrigues Graziottin

Assunto Autoconhecimento
Atualizado em 05/05/2007 16:28:13

Free As A Bird

When a spirit is broken
Why go on
When theres nothing to say
And a love just a token
It was strong
Now its fading away

Ah but Im free as a bird
As I walk right out that door
You have my word
I wont bother you no more
Yes Im doing alright
As I face the lonely night

And our love it was over
Long ago
But we just didnt say
And the years they have fallen
One by one
How they drifted away

But now Im free as a bird
As I walk out that door
You have my word
I wont bother you no more
Yes Im feeling OK
As I face the brand new day
As I face the brand new day

You know Im free as a bird
As I walk right out that door
You have my word
I wont bother you no more
Yes Im doing alright
As I face the lonely night
As I face the lonely night

No more sorrows will I find
Ive got tomorrow on my side
No more teardrops will I cry
Left my teardrops way behind
No more sorrows will I find
Ive got tomorrow on my side
No more teardrops will I cry
Left my teardrops way behind
No more heartaches bother me
Dont wear my heartaches on my sleeve

Its gonna be a brand new story
Whats the use of former glory
Its better not to do if you cant do right
Its time to get to celebrating
After all the years of waiting
Im gonna have a ball if it takes all night

Free As A Bird
The Beatles
Composição: John Lennon

Free as a Bird,
Its the next best thing to be free as a bird.
Home, home and dry.
Like a homing bird I fly, as a bird on wings.
Whatever happened to the life that we once knew
Can we really live without each other
Where did we lose the touch
That seemed to mean so much
It always made me feel so
Free as a bird,
Its the next best thing to be free as a bird.
Home, home and dry
Like a homing bird I fly, as bird on wings
Whatever happened to the life that we once knew
Always made me feel soooo

Free as a bird
Its the next best thing to be
Free as a bird
Free as a bird
Free as a bird

Texto revisado por Cris

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