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Moment of Inertia and Self-transformation

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Autor Joseila Gerotto

Assunto Autoconhecimento
Atualizado em 04/10/2011 19:13:30

Enough is enough! No more inertia! Every minute in our life offers us the possibilities of changing. Why do people expect others to tell them when they should begin their own transformation? Why do people transfer others the power over their lives?
It is not necessary that we go through big "wars" to prove to everybody that we are capable to overcome challenges and to recognize our power. In spite of that, it seems that we are living on the lookout for tragic events... As if these could explain and justify the meaning of our experiences.
No one can tell us which direction we should take, we are the only ones who know that. We cannot deny that others can show us the way, that they can guide us and even serve as models, but this guidance will not be useful, if we close our ears and eyes before the unknown. The greatest power, for which we yearn, is inside us, expecting the moment when we will be fully awaken. Then we will hear, understand and fulfill our mission in life. Not somebody else's.
What are we doing that is so important that we cannot hear the loud screams of our inner voice and respond to that?

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Conteúdo desenvolvido pelo Autor Joseila Gerotto   
Professora de alemão e inglês (exames TOEFL e SAT), consultora astrológica, facilitadora do Jogo da Transformação, PNL e life coach Página no facebook: Kironcoaching e-mails: [email protected] e [email protected]
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