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Autor Lena Antabi

Assunto Autoconhecimento
Atualizado em 5/17/2007 1:34:23 AM

"Prayer of the Gratitude”
By Lena Antabi

Thank you

For the water that I drink, for the food that I eat and the air that I breath!

Thank you

To be able To see, hear, feel, touch, speak, walk and think!

Thank you

For allowing me To work, To give jobs and To help!

Thank you

For the sky, the land and the Sea!

Thank you

For everything you gave me yesterday, for what you gave me today and what you

Will give me tomorrow!

Thank you

For the health, youth, beauty, for my physical and mental talents and qualities.

Thank you

For protecting me, for always illuminate and guide me!

Thank you

For the light, peace, prosperity, harmony, wisdom, health in my family,

My friends, and everything that surrounds me.

Thank you

For the love that I bring in my heart and carry in my soul.

Thank you

For teaching me To love unconditionally without attachment!

Thank you

For giving me life!!! And the command of it!

Thank you

For Your miracles and wonders “God”!!!

Thank you

For all the blessings and graces “Lord”!!!!

Thank you

For loving me…

I Love YOU, and I AM placing myself in your hands…. Amen

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Conteúdo desenvolvido pelo Autor Lena Antabi   
Lena Antabi .Autora do livro *Os homens também se entregam* Escritora de artigos ,adora se comunicar com os *ANJOS* e também e designer.
E-mail: [email protected] | Mais artigos.

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