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Autor Rose Romero

Assunto Autoconhecimento
Atualizado em 11/22/2005 5:13:03 PM

The Uroboros or the serpent that swallows its own tail, symbolizes that which is contained within itself, of an eternal returning to the beginning - a type of condemnation from which there is no escape from ones cycle to a higher one.

It’s very common to see and listen to people complaining of certain vicious cycles in their lives from which they cannot escape. What isn’t common is to see and listen to these same people facing up to how much they themselves provoke and maintain these cycles.

Why is this so difficult to perceive?

Nine out ten people fear discovering something totally unknown about themselves, whether it be positive or negative, and being responsible for it, that is, being committed to their ideas and convictions even if and especially if these are not condoned by that around them (this being external - society, as well as internal - habits, vices).

And so, the most convenient way to lead our lives is repeating the same patterns, even though these are know to cause harm - yet we suffer, but have learned to live with this suffering and have even become accustomed to it. Like the serpent we swallow our tails.... or contemplate our navel, without courage to experiment, take a chance, live.

Remembering ARISTOFANES, we should reflect:
“Youth matures
Immaturity is overcome
Ignorance can be educated
And Drunkenness becomes sober
But Stupidity is forever!”

Rose Lane Romero da Rosa
Psychologist (Jung), with clinic practice in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
[email protected]
Translation by Florence Sanchez

Texto revisado por Cris

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Conteúdo desenvolvido pelo Autor Rose Romero   
Psicóloga Junguiana, Teóloga e Facilitadora das Oficinas ArteVida de Meditação do Projeto Labirinto
E-mail: [email protected] | Mais artigos.

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