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Autor Cristina Longhi

Assunto Corpo e Mente
Atualizado em 9/5/2009 1:42:22 PM


New release "The secret for Children -  LAW OF ATTRACTION FOR KIDS  By Christina Hanser (Cristina Longhi)

The children will be enchanted by this story. You know the secret and understand that the law of attraction is what moves the Universe. Now is time to teach this to our children. Read this book more than once to your child. This book is full of suggestions in which the child will absorb quickly.

Teach your children the way to sucess at an early age. This story is the best gift you could ever give them.

They will learn to use their imagination, which is a powerfull instrument to attract whatever they want!

This book tells about the power of goodness, love, trust, knowledge and friendship. It will also teach them of Metaphysics which drives the Universe. It will also teach them how to do their part to become successfull and to reach their goals in life. All told through an old and beautiful story from Polynesia.

All rights reserved by christina Hanser - copyright 2008


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Conteúdo desenvolvido pelo Autor Cristina Longhi    
Sou Terapeuta, Programadora Neurolinguista, Escritora e Comunicadora da Rádio Mundial. Atuo como terapeuta nas questões relacionadas a baixa estima, medos, ansiedades, traumas e questões relacionadas a relacionamentos no geral. Atendo adultos, adolescentes, casais e crianças. Autora do livro Anjos e Mentores, Lei da Atração para Crianças e outros.
E-mail: [email protected] | Mais artigos.

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