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Purely on color and gem stones and healing!

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Autor Cristina Longhi

Assunto Corpo e Mente
Atualizado em 5/17/2011 8:21:56 AM

Purely on color and gem stones and healing!   

 Lets explore the different warm colors of gemstones and how you can utilize all this colors to  promotes communication, physical and emotional healing.  

 Yellow ~, by way of example, place a piece of Yellow calcite (quartz) on your working desk and watch what happens. Youll notice people will begin to stop by to chat and start sharing their feelings with you (only try this if attracting more people to your workspace is what you want!). Other stones that help to stimulate conversation are Topaz, Citrine, and Yellow Zircon. These stones also promote positive attitudes (and who doesnt love that?). If youre feeling shy, carry Yellow Amber with you which will help overcome these introverted feelings and allows you to be able to communicate with confidence.  

 Pink ~, has wonderful nurturing and soothing energies. Gemstones such as Rose Quartz are well known for their healing and enhancing energies. Rhodochrosite and Rhodonite also encourage self-esteem. Pink Pearl and Pink Coral will act as conduits of loving energies and attitude, also known to bring romantic love into your life. 

  Red ~ in whatever form emanates a very powerful presence. Jaspers are great for promoting physical energy and strength. Red Agates and Amber are useful in reducing weakness and shyness. Because red is the color of blood, it implies ‘life. Along this line, Red Coral can aid in healing respiratory infections. Carry a Red Coral during flu season and you might notice youre the only one not getting sick.  

 Orange ~ is great for encouraging motivation to reach goals, increases focus, and attaining direction. Carnelians can be put to good use as aids in helping with exercise programs, as well as for balancing body energies. Use a Carnelian or Brazilian Agate when youre feeling a bit under stimulated. Soon youll find yourself feeling cheery and ready for anything!  

  Blue ~  Feeling calm and peaceful with Soda Light, a very interesting stone, also helping balance the Throat Chakra and Thyroid. Lapis Lazuli and Blue Sapphires are wonderful to help you meditate and align your nervous system and to help you connect with your intuition.    All this colors and gemstones have a deep vibratory impact in your physical well being as well as emotional, and further more ....  Who doesnt LOVE colors?!

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Conteúdo desenvolvido pelo Autor Cristina Longhi    
Sou Terapeuta, Programadora Neurolinguista, Escritora e Comunicadora da Rádio Mundial. Atuo como terapeuta nas questões relacionadas a baixa estima, medos, ansiedades, traumas e questões relacionadas a relacionamentos no geral. Atendo adultos, adolescentes, casais e crianças. Autora do livro Anjos e Mentores, Lei da Atração para Crianças e outros.
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