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AT A CROSSROADS: Do we really have the power to choose?

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Autor Joseila Gerotto

Assunto Espiritualidade
Atualizado em 10/4/2011 12:16:49 PM

We always consider whether the decisions we once made were the right ones. Of course, they were! But why do we like to revive the past  We should have thought, dreamed, done... We forget that we can just do what we are prepared to do! We cannot change other people's reactions, nonetheless, we can change ours!
I am of the opinion that there must be a reason why we say that we should accept what happens to us, just the way it is. What we experience in our daily life contains not only things that are concrete and visible but also what is occult to our eyes. And the results, our harvest, confirm that without any doubts.
A choice is always before us and the power to choose is in our hands. That makes our path easy to tread, doesn't it? It is wonderful to realize that we are the only ones capable of controlling our thoughts, feelings and actions! No one has the power of doing that, absolutely no one! The positive or negative reactions we show other people depend only on us! And on nobody else! We are the only ones responsible for them.
We live on illusions when we think we can create another reality. If we had another job, if our relationships were more harmonious, if we were younger, so many "ifs and buts"... We live what we have to live. Of course, we are not powerless, although there are lots of things that cannot be changed...
There is something that lies behind our actions, something that shows and lightens up the path we should follow. If only we tried to contact this invisible reality, we would be greatly surprised. And that would be really awesome!
How can we reach the inner harmony for which we so long yearn? Trust is the solution we have been looking for. We do need to learn how to trust life and acknowledge that we cannot meddle in all the situations we experience. We sometimes think we are almighty, but there is no truth in this thought!
After trying to do our best to change a situation, and in spite of all our efforts to achieve success, we have not reached our goal, isn't it better to calm down a little bit and receive the present that the cosmos is expecting to offer us? All we need is patience!
We say that it is difficult to make a decision when we are at a crossroads, but it is not. The choice we have to make- conscious or unconsciously- has already been made. A long time ago, indeed. We can express it differently or even change it completely since everything we choose reflects what is inside us. That is why it is very important that we know ourselves!
The only decision that depends on us is to be what we truly are. And to make this statement true we just have to live in the present and take advantage of the moment. And be grateful for that!

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Conteúdo desenvolvido pelo Autor Joseila Gerotto   
Professora de alemão e inglês (exames TOEFL e SAT), consultora astrológica, facilitadora do Jogo da Transformação, PNL e life coach Página no facebook: Kironcoaching e-mails: [email protected] e [email protected]
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