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Assunto Espiritualidade
Atualizado em 5/26/2011 12:38:55 AM


by PHD. Míceál Ledwith

Dr. Miceal Ledwith, L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D (h.c), served as a Catholic priest and as Professor of Theology and College President for over 25 years in Ireland. During the course of his academic and administrative careers he lectured extensively to interested adult groups in many countries and continues to speak at venues all over the world today. He is a long-time member of Ramthas School of Ancient Wisdom and has been invited to speak at Events held by the school for several years at many venues throughout the world. He was one of the scholars featured in
"What the Bleep Do We Know, " and its sequel "Down the Rabbit Hole." 

Several well-known preachers in the United States today attract phenomenal crowds to their weekly services, despite the country-wide decline in religious practice. What appears to be the main attraction? Apparently telling the congregation that God wants them to be rich.

This line of thought is certainly a very welcome change from the old doom, gloom, hell fire and brimstone message. It is also a major relief from so much emphasis on suffering and guilt in many mainline Christian Churches. This has made it difficult today to think of Christianity, or of Jesus himself, in any other terms than the suffering savior, which was always a prospect to dizzy and appall.

The speeches and writings of todays most successful preachers are replete with statements describing a human-style God. God will or will not be pleased with us, or will be angry or disappointed, or that we should ponder things on Gods timetable not ours, discover Gods will or plan in life for us, etc. Is it really true that God is perusing all of these options for us and assessing our responses? Its a picture that comes uncomfortably close to an exasperating senior family member who justifies his interference in our lives on the grounds that its for our own good.

So before we traipse off once a week to joyfully affirm God wants us to be rich, we should pause long enough to ask ourselves some serious questions. That God is perfect has always been a central belief of the major religious traditions. Simply put, that means that God lacks nothing or God would not be God. If this is a cornerstone belief for everyone its rather curious to notice that the majority of believers spend most of their lives denying this very belief in practice. If God needs anything from me, or is disappointed by anything I do, most assuredly God could not perfect, but must be needy, insecure and probably despotic.
This is poles apart from saying that God and the divine have no place in my everyday life and that God doesnt give a hoot what I do. The very opposite is true, but we cant really begin to see in what sense that is true until we take a long hard look at what our image of God is like.

In the quantum world what comes to us in life is magnetized by what we accept as true. The motive of acceptance can range from acute fear to the most profound love. It is as simple as that. If the quantum theories offer one of the best insights we have to date about the nature of the universe in which we live, then we have to ask is there really room any more for a picture of God caring about everything we do like the unwelcome attentions of a busybody senior relative? Or is there room for the endless litany of blame we love to lay at Gods feet. "How could God have taken away my loved one?" "I didnt deserve this;" Why didnt you answer my fervent and desperate prayer?

As long as we insist on thinking of God as some sort of human being enlarged who sits in judgment 24/7, plotting planning, scheming, testing and observing our performance then we should know that we are flying in the face of the evidence about how the universe functions.

Go to Part II

Copyright © 2007 Míceál F. Ledwith All rights reserved

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