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Who am I truly?

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Autor Joseila Gerotto

Assunto Espiritualidade
Atualizado em 17/03/2011 17:46:53

Who am I truly?

I am! I have values that affirm who I am. I communicate with others, I learn, and my goal is to discover and learn every day a little more about myself! I have a place in the world, and I am the only one who can occupy it. I am a mother: I not only want to nurture but also to be nurtured. I express my truth, I create, I live everyday in a conscious way, trying to put into practice everything I know, so that my knowledge turns into wisdom!

I relate to myself and to people in the world; I transform, I heal, I am transformed and healed, when I interact and communicate with others. I follow my beliefs and ideals, I venture on a journey to unknown places. I am I in my vocation before the world; I follow the call from my deepest Self and change my reality. I am a father, when my actions reflect my innermost yearnings before the society. This is what I consider vocation! I share my ideals with my friends, with the world, and I know that there must be something beyond my sight!

Everything I feel, think and create is a reflection from my essence. And to be faithful to myself, I obey my inner self and just follow what drives me to be who I am. It is something that happens gradually and is in harmony with the world around me. For this reason, I know I can change lots of things but not everything... The only thing that matters is to know that I can react in a different way to what people do! These are the limits that my Self encounters in the world.

The summary of my life is I am I, I am You, You are I, We are We, We are all One!

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Conteúdo desenvolvido pelo Autor Joseila Gerotto   
Professora de alemão e inglês (exames TOEFL e SAT), consultora astrológica, facilitadora do Jogo da Transformação, PNL e life coach Página no facebook: Kironcoaching e-mails: [email protected] e [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] | Mais artigos.

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