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Your guardian angel, how can he help you?

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Autor Cristina Longhi

Assunto Espiritualidade
Atualizado em 7/10/2011 2:06:36 PM

I will talk about the knowledge I have about the angels of Atlantis, but this applies to any line angelic, as the angelic energy is one. In the first period of Atlantis, the Angels had a key role in the lives of men. The Atlanteans lived under the guidance and their zeal, an intimacy and familiarity that came to flourish in an extraordinary spiritual evolution. This phase of the Empire of the Golden Light just at the time that humans have distanced themselves from God and the Angels leading the second phase of Atlantis that led to his downfall. From then on, We and He gave way to the I. As a consequence, came fear and death.

The word Angel (Angel) can be defined by the Atlantean language. Its meaning is: Light divine living. Light of the Divine Light, Divine Power of the Force. In our day, we can define as Beings of Light, Beings of energy or force with its own intelligence.

The intimate connection with them, as well as many other in-depth knowledge has been lost, or hidden, long after the disappearance of Atlantis. This close relationship and his association with the constant daily angels only came to light again through the community of the Essenes, many thousands of years later. The Teacher of Truth, as it was called the father and founder of the Essenes, of God won the right to review their previous lives lost knowledge and redeem them that were in his possession, the Golden Age of Atlantis. So the call and rescued the Essenes living loving and intimate relationship with the Angels in our current era. The Essenes developed a miraculous connection, sometimes incomprehensible to many, both in their achievements in their cures, as with the animals, plants and all nature, thanks to the angels.

The way they lived with the angels, as communicated with them, can also be assimilated into our modern world, this is the first and inevitable step that terms that we can give to a life of peace and harmony in our world. But all this does not find out, but we must find within ourselves. The need for this is perhaps even more necessary today than at any other time.

The Angels are sent from God to the world of the earth to guide and eventually protect humans, the second task entrusted to them.

The Guardian Angels are that are closest to us. They are the ones that take us from conception, birth, throughout life and even after death, return to the light. Its mission is to monitor, teach and protect, so that we can fulfill our mission, which was chosen by us before birth, step by step, toward perfection.

It exists with a higher order which governs all of nature and the universe, so there is also a perfect harmony that governs the world of angels. Also, just as there is a tree like the other, or one identical to another human being, so there is no other like an angel, nor in its beauty even in their task. We also know that the same ideas we have about on top and bottom, more or less either in or out there in the world of angels. Its design, by the difference in tasks and missions, the multiplicity of its existence or the diversity of tasks at the same time against the indivisible whole, they can never be removed or replaced, being equally important in its entirety.

What can we do to our lives to be an active part of them and they take beneficial part of our lives?

First we have to accept their existence to us, we must open ourselves to them, allowing them to enter in our noisy, tumultuous, and racionalíssima life. Their strength can take care of our life. It just depends on our decision to want to live with these forces, and let our lives and make our world better. The possibility of this connection with the angels in our power, not needing any special terms or even unusual to tap into them. Simply our heads and our hearts have to say yes we want to take an active part of our lives. Just a nod, a slight: "Yes, I will." Perhaps there never was a time when it would not be so necessary and helpful as urgent today.

You can learn how to establish this connection with them, so as to go to live daily with the angelic energy going through the initiation angels of Atlantis.
This course differs slightly from how they are placed courses on Kabbalah Angels.
He is really initiation, ie, the participant receives an initiation in which its sensitivity is heightened by the release made ​​by a Master, which will expand the channel communication between the neophyte and his own guardian angel.

The Angels of Atlantis next course in Brazil will be taught by Christina Hanser in Sao Paulo, on 6 and 7 August. 


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Conteúdo desenvolvido pelo Autor Cristina Longhi    
Sou Terapeuta, Programadora Neurolinguista, Escritora e Comunicadora da Rádio Mundial. Atuo como terapeuta nas questões relacionadas a baixa estima, medos, ansiedades, traumas e questões relacionadas a relacionamentos no geral. Atendo adultos, adolescentes, casais e crianças. Autora do livro Anjos e Mentores, Lei da Atração para Crianças e outros.
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