How to play I Ching for hours (not coins)

Autor Tatiana Ito Coimbra
Assunto OráculosAtualizado em 9/14/2016 10:29:54 PM
I will talk about my studies of the I Ching and how I realized that works.
The I Ching is the book of mutations that has been used for millennium in China as an oracle and has 64 hexagrams with comments and 6 lines. What I noticed in my studies is that every little decision influences in years.
Example: Today I am in the 25 - Integrity Line 5 - do not take any medication if a harm comes from abroad, it will pass by itself. I received this Hexagram when I have Syndrome of Panic. So, I didn’t take medicine. That I can go to the 25 line 6 or, more commonly, pass to 26,27, 28, all on line 5 and "out" by 29 – Abyss line 6, if I made several bad decisions. When you have a drastic change you can go to 26 to 62. And only once I felt like the numbers came back. They have not passed fast (in times of panic or extreme anxiety). We felt the numbers vibe pass. In general, you stay in the same line a week. On the other hand, with you are unbalanced, with guilt, regrets, the numbers vibe can pass in hours (in line – commonly). And if we are balanced we are about 1 week in number.
Having the process in mind, it is better initially focus on 64 hexagrams. I do not i-ching game just read the numbers that come to me through the I-ching. I see the hours or a number that I can´t forget without a reason. This is very addictive because you learn to read people as type numbers like matrix movie (that were used binary numbers). And what they are doing of felting. So, if you have 23:29. You can see that is a day of double disintegration (23),abyss (29) and Duration (32). It looks like a pretty bad day.
These numbers speak of relationships, love between friends, working partners, etc. Most of us are on autopilot and always seeks the same outputs, even if you are unhappy. We hardly look at what makes us unhappy and we seek to free ourselves, are loves, work, friends who does not feel affinity, for sorrows and misunderstandings, and we continue for a past even these relationship cant flow anymore because we are afraid to change. In this case no use looking for answer and have no attitude.
I found it very impressive this book because is the sequence logic of the law of karma, which describes is what attitude generates such situation in the future, and you realize its an addiction, a prejudice, a sin capital that generates all the following sequence. And if you discovery where you are attached, you can stop that. analyzing the hexagrams you will understand what is happening in your life. What kind of beliefs and attachments that make you live in 12,21 23, 29, 36, 38, 39, 47, 63, which are numbers of obstacles and chaos, for example. But the chaos is only the result of our attitudes.
Lets look at the 17:58
17 Following - adapt the conditions of the moment without acting rashly or cause wear resistance.
57 Penetration - to submit the idea of heaven and that thought to penetrate the soul of the people
58 joy - seek joy and pleasure through the correct persistence is the way to accomplish the will of heaven.
I would say that you should follow his path correctly, joyfully and seek knowledge from heaven and disseminates it, contenting with you have.
How to know the correct way? The I Ching and other oracles help. But the heart always knows when you are living what you want, or not. Who has the knowledge of himself is able to recognize opportunity or create them. He is able to love and give and work for something all your life and throw away, just because he knows himself. I will make another post of the lines of I-ching and in each post I will explain the i-ching of week.
List of hexagrams:
Hexagram 1 Qián The Creative
Hexagram 2 K'un The Receptive
Hexagram 3 Chun Difficult Beginnings
Hexagram 4 Meng Youthful Folly
Hexagram 5 Hsu Nourished While Waiting
Hexagram 6 Sung Conflict
Hexagram 7 Shih Army
Hexagram 8 Pi Uniting
Hexagram 9 Hsiao Ch'u Small Restraint
Hexagram 10 Lu Treading
Hexagram 11 T'ai Peace
Hexagram 12 P'i Standstill
Hexagram 13 T'ung Jen Fellowship
Hexagram 14 Ta Yu Great Possessing
Hexagram 15 Qian Authenticity
Hexagram 16 Yu Enthusiasm
Hexagram 17 Sui Following
Hexagram 18 Ku Decay
Hexagram 19 Lin Approach
Hexagram 20 Kuan Contemplation
Hexagram 21 Shi Ho Biting Through
Hexagram 22 Bi Grace
Hexagram 23 Po Split Apart
Hexagram 24 Fu Return
Hexagram 25 Wu Wang Innocence
Hexagram 26 Ta Ch’u Controlled Power
Hexagram 27 Yi Nourishing Vision
Hexagram 28 Ta Kuo Critical Mass
Hexagram 29 Kan Abyss
Hexagram 30 Li Clarity
Hexagram 31 Hsien Influence/Wooing
Hexagram 32 Heng Duration
Hexagram 33 Tun Retreat
Hexagram 34 Da Zhuang Great Power
Hexagram 35 Chin Progress
Hexagram 36 Ming Yi Brightness Hiding
Hexagram 37 Chia Jen Family
Hexagram 38 K’uei Opposition
Hexagram 39 Jian Obstruction
Hexagram 40 Jie Liberation
Hexagram 41 Sun Decrease
Hexagram 42 Yi Increase
Hexagram 43 Guai Determination
Hexagram 44 Gou Coming to Meet
Hexagram 45 Cui Gathering Together
Hexagram 46 Sheng Pushing Upward
Hexagram 47 Kùn Oppression/Exhaustion
Hexagram 48 Jing The Well
Hexagram 49 Ko Molting/Revolution
Hexagram 50 Ting Cauldron
Hexagram 51 Zhen Shocking
Hexagram 52 Ken Keeping Still
Hexagram 53 Ji’an Development
Hexagram 54 Kui Mei Propriety
Hexagram 55 Feng Abundance
Hexagram 56 Lu The Wanderer
Hexagram 57 Xun Penetration
Hexagram 58 Tui Joy
Hexagram 59 Huan Dispersion
Hexagram 60 Jie Limitation
Hexagram 61 Zhong Fu Inner Truth
Hexagram 62 Xiao Guo Small Exceeding
Hexagram 63 Chi Chi After Completion
Hexagram 64 Wei Chi Before Completion
It is a translation of this vídeo: link

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