
Exclusive idea

Exclusive idea
Publicado dia 8/3/2004 11:47:39 PM em STUM WORLD


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Translated by Nathalia Fernandes
[email protected]

When God gives an idea – throws the seed – He doesn’t do it in an exclusive manner. The Energy remains available to everyone, in our intuition and in the intuition of the people alike to us.
Many times I tell the closer people and the ones who work with me, without worrying about the enterprise and the activity we develop, that ideas exist to be put into reality and implemented.
When I’m not heard, I know the reason. Someone in the group has imbalanced energy, compared to the others.
In fact, as everything in life, this stuff is easy. People don’t do things, as I said before, just because they are competent. They make themselves worth of it. Here’s the key which opens doors to our realizations and to implement our ideas. Deserving means the whole of our thoughts and attitudes, or, in other words, our character.
It is not enough. Speed and nimbleness are also needed. We cannot forget that what we have is not market reserve and exclusivity. Many people are being given the same transformation Energy by the Creator.
As a third step NEVER stain the idea with negative probabilities... “And if it rains”... “And if he doesn’t like it”... “But I have already tried and it didn’t work out”... “Hmmmf, it will never work out, it’s impossible”... Or stuff like that.
At last, being competent to implement the gift God gave us. Yes, my friend, competence comes last. It’s a mistake to believe that it is in first place.
Well, one more thing. It works to me like this. And who said this is the ONLY way?
Find yours, trying mine...
I know we will meet.
A kiss in your soul.

por Saul Brandalise Jr.

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Sobre o autor
Saul Brandalise Jr. é colaborador do Site, autor do livro: O Despertar da Consciência da editora Theus, onde mostra através das narrativas de suas experiências como extrair lições de vida e entusiasmo de cada obstáculo que se encontra ao longo de uma vida.
Email: [email protected]
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