It takes two to reach happiness

por Rosana Braga

Translated by Fernanda Silva - [email protected]

For those out looking in, it’s far easier to notice when someone is insisting in a history that is unlikely to have a future. But for those directly involved in such history, and simply trying to be happy in love, it always seems worthy to try one more time.
After all, the other significant one always sends out some signs. Usually they’re not exactly green lights, but yellow ones for sure. In other words, it’s always left a opportunity for the other to be filled with hope, create expectations and strengthen the idea that, hopefully, maybe if they endure a little more, things will work out and the start a real date.
It happens that, between hopes, there are two or three frustrations, more disappointments, disagreements, less syntony. And thus follow the painful and tiresome rhythm that is ignored for those who don’t want to see it: when one is not available, two can’t live a love story!
If you identify yourself with something similar, if you feel that you’ve been sliding through the road you believe will take you to the so desired happiness, remember the saying: a word to the wise is enough. So, stop flogging a dead horse, review your choices, look to reality as it presents itself and e stop living of illusions followed by disastrous illusions!
You deserve better than that but only will live it in fact something that will make you grow and feel happy when you believe in this possibility and light yourself, all the red signs to this heartless, shallow, weak and dull story in which you’ve been insisting to invest.
First of all, forgive it all, all your past and all your present. Understand that we all make mistakes so we can finally make it right! Now, sure of what you want, maybe you realize that the person you’re looking for, the one you want to meet, is not this one with who you’ve been fighting and hurting for so long. The person you really deserve to meet is the one who will be as involved as you are.
Yes, that’s it; you need a new love, but not a love that only exists in your world or in your empty expectations. From now on, then, you will invest in the search or even on waiting (conscious and balanced) of a mutual, intense, whole, devoted love, which will be as willing as you to experiment all the feelings and to overcome any difficulty.
A relationship that will give you fulfilled dreams, experienced wishes and a consistent story between two people that recognize that yes, it’s worthy to insist in love, since both hearts are following the same path, in the same direction. And then, who knows, you’ll never again let yourself be consumed in masochist insistency, emptied of all creativity and reciprocity…
This is to love and be free. To love and be happy!

Leia Também:

mais  Quando um não quer, dois não podem ser felizes!

Rosana Braga é Especialista em Relacionamento e Autoestima, Autora de 9 livros sobre o tema. Psicóloga e Coach. Busca através de seus artigos, ajudar pessoas a se sentirem verdadeiramente mais seguras e atraentes, além de mostrar que é possível viver relacionamentos maduros, saudáveis e prazerosos.
Acesse rosanabraga.com.br para mais conteúdos exclusivos!
Email: [email protected] Visit the author's website

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