The bigger the expectations, the bigger the disappointment

por Maria Isabel Carapinha

Translated by Fernanda Silva - [email protected]

The year is gone…. And the balance of what we lived and how are our lives now is inevitable.
Time of anguish and discontentment for some and joy and celebrations for others but we never lose hope of everything being better than it once was. Hope gives flavor to existence and conditions our paths, but exaggerated expectations, which are based in fantasies or unrealistic dreams can bring serious consequences. Unconditional love that waits nothing in return and overcomes all is the best way to lead our life. When we expect nothing whatever comes our way becomes joy and happiness. Exaggerated expectations usually take us to the blindness of the reality of facts.

Relationships begin inside us.
After resting assured that love will come to be part of your life, it is very important that meaningful changes take place within you, because in order to live love one must abandon impossible ambitions and learn to be simple.
As a consequence of traumatic processes experienced during childhood, adolescence or even adult life, we are afraid of repeating painful stories and sometimes, for no reason, we deliver the power of our life to someone else, awarding them the power to make us happy or unhappy. The best way of avoiding this is to surrender to a mutual learning; of paths that one day got crossed and today have become one.
There are two traps that might have influence over the love process of two people. The first one is overrating the other; the second is our self downgrading. In both cases, the rejection process lived is huge and the natural consequence will be the other to move away from us.

To live a true and intense love means to have majestic and positive thoughts and feelings, and being aware of the traps of exaggerated expectations. The need for the significant other’s love, the way we suppose it has to be leads us quickly to disappointment. He will love you the way he can demonstrate it to you…. And will be only able to give you what’s inside him, despite what has been aimed by your expectations.
The seasoning of an intense relationship lies within the admiration we have for the person beside us.
It is of most importance for us to take care of our own energy in a process of affective surrender and realization because once we achieve perfect energetic balance we attract to our life someone who has the same energy we are emanating and, therefore, it will be someone also in perfect balance and the construction of a solid path for two may take place.

Radiesthesia teaches us to balance our lives in such way that all the energetic frequencies that characterize us vibe in our favor! If in your end of the year questionings there was a tendency to criticize some area of your life, observe in which moment you attracted this situation and be sure that that energy was in accord with the situation you attracted to your life.
If now, at this very moment, you chose to have a more harmonious and happy life, rest assured that the energetic balance will be the first step for everything to change in your life. And Radiesthesia does this through a very helpful instrument: the radionic table.

I clearly remember an attendance I gave early last year to a young lady who had a great disappointment at the first day of the year. She had been in a relationship with a man for 9 years, too long as I see it, for there hasn’t been a concretization of a life together, but I keep a respectful silence in these cases.
She described to me all the situation she was going through with him and how he had put her in second place many times, but she wouldn’t care for she thought he had acceptable reasons for doing that. She couldn’t really see the situation as it was and her exaggerated expectations had her blinded. The excuses to put her in second place were countless: personal and financial problems, existential crisis, depressions… She accepted and molded her to all, waiting for the day everything would be different, something that never came to happen.

By the end of the last year, he told her he’d like to be alone, put his ideas in place and outline his aims for the next year, towards new projects and realizations which included her. He’d go by himself to a beach at north state coastline where he had a house… and so he departed sure that she’d once more cope with it. The woman, for not seeing the real situation as always, doesn’t realizing she was being rejected one more time, decided to respect his silence in New Year’s Eve, but at the next day she decided to go the beach and surprise the boyfriend with a delicious lunch and a few more nice gestures.
For her surprise… when she got there she saw he was with someone else.
When she came to me her pain was so severe she thought she would die, thing she’d never imagined could occur to her. I let her speak, speak and speak and told her: let’s treat you; we have to find the original block that allowed the attraction of this situation to your life as well the constant rejection that systematically has occurred throughout time.

Through the radionic table we identified the block as something that happened to her when she was five years old, performing then the complete balance of her energetic frequencies.
She told me right away that when she was that age her father left home to live with another woman and her mother blamed her for that, always repeating she caused their separation for she would take all her mother’s time with her husband… and her own mother’s rejection towards her began that very moment, installing itself in her life at that moment.
We unblocked this deeply rooted energy and today, a year after her appointment, she’s going to Cancun for the Holidays with a wonderful person who loves her very much and includes her in all his plans.
Taking care of our energy makes us see the situations clearly, as they really are!

I wish you all a Happy 2011!!!

Leia Também:

mais  Quanto maior a expectativa, maior a decepção

Maria Isabel Carapinha é colaboradora do site, radiestesista e trabalha também com Feng Shui.
Ministra cursos e faz atendimentos em residências e empresas.
Trabalha também com a mesa radiônica fazendo atendimentos em seu consultório ou à distância.
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