
Saturn is coming: he will rule 2013!

por Graziella Marraccini

English version by Fellipe Camarotto
[email protected]

Yes, dear readers, get ready to carry rocks and cement because you will have to work hard in 2013 to give concrete shape to your dreams! According to the Star of the Magi, Chaldean system that determines the annual regency, Saturn will be the next King who will reign next year. He is transiting in Scorpio sign since October 2012 and will remain in this sign in the next two years and a half approximately, but this has nothing to do with his regency. His planetary position will give a special tone to its natural quality as I have explained in previous articles.

Saturn is considered malefic by traditional astrology, but, in my view, we should not worry too much with his negative influence because it's the difficulties that strengthen us, that forge our character and also stimulate our creativity. In cakewalk, nobody evolves, nobody needs to make efforts. When life is easy and everything falls from the sky, persons does not use their talents and wastes important occasions to evolve. Much is said about the effect 'Saturn' because he is considered the archetype of the Cosmic Father, restricting, castrating, one that puts us in the playpen and yells us a big NO in the ear whenever we try to jump the fence! However, in Roman mythology, Saturn was the god who protected agriculture, the planting and harvesting. Therefore, he represented the hard work, because to put food on the table need to roll up our sleeves and we cannot run from our obligations! Saturn was the god Cronos in Greek mythology, son of Uranus (the Heaven) and Geia (the Earth) and Jupiter's father (Zeus). Saturn was considered the God of Time, who branded the relentless succession of hours by the time we land holding to karma. He teaches us the path of evolution through setbacks and obstacles. But he is our 'Stepping Stones'! If under his influence we feel 'stuck in time', as if we were bound by chains to a destination that keeps us from walking fast, he also helps us to find the land where to put our feet. Yes, Saturn is a Father God who teaches us to be patient, and patience is something that farmers know very well because they need to respect the Earth cycle from planting to harvest its fruits. The cycles of the seasons are ruled by Saturn, as well as the hours, minutes, seconds ...

Saturn represents a limiting and restrictive process in many ways, but he also offers us the opportunity to grow, planting and harvesting. The liability is the result of the selection process that helps us to examine our evolutionary process while assessing our development. The world would be much better if we all had more sense of responsibility, isn't it? In our natal star chart, Saturn indicates in which area we will face major obstacles, restrictions, limitations, but also indicates where we will have more opportunity for growth as necessary for our material and spiritual evolution.
So in 2013, Saturn will help us make judgments, to be responsible exactly where we extrapolate, abused, passed the limits in the previous year. If we were irresponsible in relationships, we'll do the math with our partner. If we were irresponsible with our money, we'll work hard to regain financial balance. If we were irresponsible in feeding, we will begin a regimen of nutritional education or an exercise program to recover a good shape! So, dear friends, I don't need to write more about Saturn because my personal website ( is full of articles about him, on their cycles of 28 years, about how his energies manifests in the collective or individual.

The famous seven year cycles are caused by 'Saturn effect'! Remember the seven fat cows and seven lean cows from Bible? Well, dear readers, 2013 can be the year of lean cows but at the end of the year we will feel more empowered and pleased to have been able to overcome all difficulties, setbacks and challenges!

If you wish to take advantage of the special promotion for the end of the year and be prepared to face Saturn in 2013, inform yourselves in my email [email protected] or directly on my personal about face consultations, via Skype or via Mp3 recording.

I wish everyone a week full of Light, Harmony and Peace!

São Paulo, December 4, 2012

Leia Também:

mais  Saturno vem aí: ele vai reger 2013!

Graziella Marraccini é astróloga, taróloga, cabalista e estudiosa de ciências ocultas e dirige a Sirius Astrology. Conheça meus serviços on-line
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