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Coronary Chakra: The rose and the star in the lake of peace

Coronary Chakra: The rose and the star in the lake of peace por Wagner Borges em STUM WORLD
Atualizado em 21/03/2005 15:58:19

(A Practical Creative Visualization to Relax and get pleasure)

Translated by Nancy Juozapavicius - [email protected]

Dear reader and student of the spiritual labors, Please, raise your thoughts to the Lord of Life. With humbleness and respect, tune your heart in the dwellings of the Heavenly Father.
Open your conscience to the flow of the higher energies...
Get loose in the waves of Unconditional Love...

Take your attention to the middle of the upper part of your head (coronary chakra).
Visualize in this spot a small pond of crystal clear waters.
For some moments, just keep the attention in the pond.
Soon after, visualize a shining star (with five extremities) emerging form the water.
With the star floating over your head, visualize its reflection on the water.
Stay in this position for a while, just relaxing the mind in this placid image.

In the sequence, visualize a white rose bud emerging from the waters.
Softly, the petals of the flower are opening, under the light of the star above.
It seems the flower breathes the star shine... and blooms happy in the gloom.
Now, imagine that you are the blossom flower, and the star is your supporter.
Think about the invisible help that you receive, and thank!

Imagine how much you are loved by the spiritual friend, and get happy.
You are not alone in the midst of the probations of flesh... there is a star just above.
Sometimes, you doubt it, but the star is still there... and in the silence, it kisses you!
Ah, how many times you cursed and complained... and in the silence, someone embraced you!
How many times you cried... and in the silence, someone prayed for you!
And now, there you are, a flower in blossom... and in the silence, above, the star...
And somewhere else, in the center of the immensity of life, the Heavenly Father laughs in the middle of the stars.
He knows that you, the rose, the non-physical supporter, the star, are learning.
The interaction of the two, even in different plans, balances both.
And life wins, because, with you together, there is more brightness in the air.
You-rose and the supporter-star are brothers!

So, blossom happily and thank the star for the subtle and supporting presence.
In the lotus of the thousand petals, you open yourself to the light.... and in the silence, above, the star... And high above, among the stars, in the sidereal silence, the smile of the Heavenly Father.

(Dedicated to the supporter-stars of the non-physical group "Adepts").

One more text of Wagner:
A Prayer to the Mother of the Waters

While I was passing energy to a friend who was very tired, She came out floating in the middle of a blue light. She, the Mother of Waters.
Silently, she looked at me tenderly, as a mother looks at a dear son.
So, a big star showed up – five extremities – bright blue floating above us.
And from it soft rays did spread all over the place.
Amazed, I realized the star protection that the Mother of Waters was performing in our intention, My friend and I were receiving Her blessing.
Grateful by the beautiful manifestation and the fondling, spontaneously arises in my heart a prayer honoring Her.
There, holding hands with my friend, the guardian star above us, and with the Mother of Waters projecting her wonderful energies, my heart flew in the wings of the sincere and universal prayer:

"Yemanjá, Mother of Waters,
Open your eyes above us!
Lighten our hearts thirsty for love and peace.
Bless this spiritual service that we embrace in the name of Light.

Come, dear Mother!
Combine our thoughts and our feelings, so we can dance together in the light.
Let your healing waters wash our wounds.
And the little non-physical creatures of nature, under your command, play with our chakras lighted with love.
Mother of Waters,
Bless this beautiful star, which floats over our heads.
This star of the Dharma, that protects us with the lights of the East.
Renew our vows of growing and our energies.
It makes the dance of the Universe breaks our prejudice and limitations.
Beloved Mother,
May we all be enhanced with your healing waters.
Maybe the party of light be in all of us (in spirit and body).
With the open heart, humble and respectful, we thank your spiritual protection
Yemanjá, spiritual queen,
Open you wings over us!
And bless this spiritual service of us.
May we all be washed in the waters of bliss!
With an open heart, with humbleness and respect, we thank your spiritual protection".
Yemanjá Odoiyá!

P.S.: I am not Spiritist, or Christian.
I don’t follow any doctrine created by men on Earth.
But the Mother of Waters always shows up to give me some spiritual strength.
And I always thank her, from my heart, not afraid of being happy.
With my mind and my heart open, in the waves of the conscious universalism.
I walk through spirituality in a always-free way...
As the Wind blows where it wants, so is the spirit.
Free from the dogmatic limitations, even so stuck to the flesh I always value the freedom of reasoning and creativity, wherever it comes from!
The spirit of the supporters are like the Wind: they come and go.
Suddenly a Taoist Chinese passes, another time a Buddhist.
Another moment, a Christian benefactor, in a while the black old man.
Sometimes is a protector, sometimes the Hindu wise man.
The ET's fly and so the spirits of nature, angels and masters...
And dancing in the light, here comes Yemanjá, Mary, Mataji and Kuan-Yin...
The spiritual support is universal and unconditional, and bases itself in the Cosmo ethics.
Love has no doctrine, it is only Love, wherever it is, wherever it goes...
Spirituality is not a doctrine, it is a state of conscience!
Winds blows wherever it wants, the spirits as well!
So, in a responsible and conscious way, I register here my gratitude to all the spiritual benefactors, of all lines, of all places...
Along the years I have been spiritually helped a lot, more than I deserve.
And only the Great Architect of the Universe knows how much I owe to all people that supported me.
So, not ashamed of being happy, I thank, thank, thank...

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Wagner Borges é pesquisador, conferencista e instrutor de cursos de Projeciologia e autor dos livros Viagem Espiritual 1, 2 e 3 entre outros.
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