
self-knowledge, astrology, self help, spirituality, horoscope, tarot, signs, numerology, past lives, meditation, Twin Souls, Spirituality, Spiritism, Graphology, Oracles, Forecasts, Psychology, Dreams, Alternative Therapies
Consequences for being different from family

The Spiritual Meaning of Motherhood

Bel Cesar
How to separate from those we love

Rosemeire Zago
Silenced pain
English version by Claver Moraes - [email protected] It is not the trauma we suffered in childhood that make us emotionally ill, but th...

Wagner Borges
A warning on this day
English version by Claver Moraes - [email protected] Hello guys, Today is very heavy here in my town. There is a mixture of air pollu...

Rubia A. Dantés
Beyond the fear... a gift..
English version by Claver Moraes - [email protected] The search subject of the true identity has permeated my dreams and my days and rec...

Wagner Borges
Talking about parents and sons in the heart’s heaven
English version by Vivian D [email protected] If life can grow in an unconscious tree (When the sea bird spreads the Great...

Wagner Borges
Radiant Assistance 2
English version by Daniel Martins Sanvito - [email protected] My brothers, take these studies and spiritual practices seriously. Y...

Rubia A. Dantés
Releasing the past
English version by Semiramis Almeida [email protected] One of this night I couldn’t sleep and... taking the opportunity, my min...

Rubia A. Dantés
Liberando o passado...
Noite dessas perdi o sono e... aproveitando a deixa, minha mente começou a viajar no passado e trazer à tona situações antigas... e no fio d...

Bel Cesar
“When one doesn’t want to, two can’t fight”
English version by Peter Webb - [email protected] “When one doesn’t want to, two can’t fight” goes the popular saying. But how do you ...

Bel Cesar
How to deal with the emptiness inside
English version by Fellipe Camarotto [email protected] I've dreamed I left to fly at night when I listened someone saying: Follow...

Elisabeth Cavalcante
Practicing the Yes
English version by Heryck - [email protected] Two words can make a big difference in our lives, yes and no. Even though many times we compla...

Rosana Braga
It takes two to reach happiness
Translated by Fernanda Silva - [email protected] For those out looking in, it’s far easier to notice when someone is insisting in a his...

Graziella Marraccini
Astrology and Kabbalah: The way back to Paradise
English version by Ana Moretti In the last week of the year, as we get ready for New Year’s rituals, our thoughts go straight to all those...

Maria Isabel Carapinha
The bigger the expectations, the bigger the disappointment
Translated by Fernanda Silva - [email protected] The year is gone…. And the balance of what we lived and how are our lives now is inevi...

Bel Cesar
Shall we argue or shall we talk?
Translated into English by Kevin Mathewson - [email protected] And they’re off! Another argument is off and running, launched b...

Bel Cesar
Unconditional help
PETRA Translated into English by Kevin Mathewson - [email protected] In July of 1998, I met Petra during a course I gave in I...

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